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Millie pov
I have tried getting Noah to talk to me ever since we broke up last month. I plan on going to his trailer.

I walk to his trailer and knock on the door.

No answer.

I knock again.

No answer

I hear music playing in the distance. (😮) I walk to it, the music getting louder and louder. Once I arrive, i see Noah dancing with a blonde girl. She is horrible. I hide behind a tree.

"Ok, you go over there and run to me. You jump and I'll catch you. Ok?" Noah asks

The girl nods. She runs to him and jumps. He catches her but falls backwards. With her in his arms. They get up and start dancing. The girls back is against his chest. His hand on her stomach and there hands are intwined.

"Hello. Are you here to dance?" Someone asks me

I turn around and I see a woman in her mid twenties. She's wearing a dance instructing sweater.

"W-i." I stutter

She pulls on my arm, but I don't move.

"Do you know him.?" She asks

I open my mouth then close it again, the words stuck in my throat so I just nod.

"Ooh. I have an idea." She walks up to Noah.

I can't hear what they are saying. Noah puts on a blindfold. The woman waves for me to come over to her. She tells me to start dancing with him. She plays the music. I go into his hands and we dance.

Noah pov
A person comes up to me and we start to dance. I turn her around, her back lined up with my chest. She turns around and we dance more.

A few minutes later I take off the blindfold. I see Millie. We continue dancing gracefully. The music ends. I go and dance with Kaitlyn while Millie dances with Debra, the dance instructor.

2 hours later Kaitlyn and Debra leave. I put the song personal on. Millie does a spin, she takes her hair out. I do a dance with my feet then I walk up to her. She places her hand on my shoulder, she moves her head to the side, then comes back. Our eyes meet, she sings. The song ends and we look at each others lips. We start leaning in. I move my head to the side and take her hands in mine.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." I say

I grab my phone and leave.

I love you so much/ NillieWhere stories live. Discover now