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Millie pov
(2 years later.)
I grab my bag.

Last year of school.

I get into my car.

Then I can get away from this town.

I drive to school. I get there. I see my best friend Ana, waiting at my locker.

"Hey Ana." I say

"Hey. Have you heard the news?" Ana asks

"What news?" I ask, putting my stuff in my locker

"Theres going to be a new kid." She says


"Yea. I think it's a boy. If he is. Then I hope he's cute."

"Classic Ana. Always drooling over a boy. Even if shes never met him or she doesn't even know what he looks like." I say

"Shut up." Ana says

We walk to class. I sit in my usuall spot, by Ana.

"Ok class." Miss June says, brightly." Today we have a new kid today. But he's not really new. He has been here 2 years ago."

A boy walks in.

"Everyone this is Noah. Noah Schnapp."



I look up and I see Noah.

Author- That is the end of this story. Yup, I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger.

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