Chapter 9.2

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(no one told me to update so y'all probably don't like this book)


*Authors POV*


riely was now at school
sitting in her second period class the feeling of sickness she had felt earlier had only worsened

her head was now pounding
she couldn't pay attention to the teacher who was talking obnoxiously loud for some odd reason

she would usually ask for help in some way shape or form but the only people who she knew or relatively talked to in the class room were alvaro and roshaun but again they weren't on speaking terms

she didn't want to bother the two boys with her problem
that probably wasn't even that serious

riely couldn't take it anymore she stood up abruptly making her way to the door as fast as her short legs could take her

her body felt weak as if her legs could give out any second

riely fought through the feeling and tried to push herself to the nurses office at least

but before the small girl could make it her legs gave out
she fell forward, her forehead smacking against the hard ground

meanwhile back in class

as riely got up making her way to the door
the two boys known as alvaro and roshaun followed her with their eyes before tuning back to meet each other's gazes 

they looked at each other in confusion both thinking almost the same thing  "what's up with her? riely never skips or walks out weird and she left her books"

both boys felt off about the situation
nodding at each other before rising out of their seats

heading out the door completely ignoring the screams of the teacher

they made their way down the narrow hallway of the school looking for where the girl went

until alvaro stopped abruptly hitting roshauns shoulder trying to get him to  pay attention to the scene that now played before him

"oh shit oh shit oh shit" alvaro repeated as her saw riely laying their in a small puddle of blood

roshauns neck snapped in the direction of alvaro his face showed confusion once again

until he followed alvaros finger

roshaun rushed over to the girl calling her name repeatedly getting no answer

the girl was out cold

he then pulled her small body up continuing in the direction of the nurses office with alvaro following close behind

the boys finally arrived at the nurses office only to be met by a note stating that she was out for the week

"wtf kind of school is this?"roshaun said to alvaro shaking his head head

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