(1)from Tatooine into Naboo

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"There we go" said luke as he placed his brand new light saber in his belt. He looked over the hut he had been in for several days while making the light saber from Bens notes. He smiled wistfully, thinking of his first master, and then his father. Darth Vader, why had he been turned into the person he is now. He flexed his mechanical hand, unknowingly.

He lifted his head at a feeling of a song far away that was familiar, it reminded him of a warm feeling at the edge of his memory. There was one more, a flickering flame of light and dark force energy. He felt a tug at his being, and found him self on the shore of a great lake. There not to far from him was a black lump on the ground it seemed to be struggling against it's self. He walked cautiously towards the rising mass of black. As he walked towards it, he recognized the force presence.

"Father" he whispered, with a jerk of surprise the helmet came off. He looked at him with yellow eyes filled with shock. His face was pale from lack of sun.

"Son", his voice was no longer low and robotic, but now a natural male voice. His hair, for now he had some, was a dirty blond like his. His face no longer burned so severely, but still scarred. His yellow eyes lost focus, and he fell backward onto his back.

Luke looked around. He saw a villa not far away. He looked toward Vader, and after a moment he started dragging him to the villa. When they made it there, Luke felt like passing out him self, he was running on adrenaline, and that was soon to fail him. He was able to knock on the door. As the door opened he fell forward. He heard a shriek, and blacked out from exhaustion.

When he opened his eyes, he noticed something in the force he had not noticed before, it was brighter. "You have noticed, young one." Said a voice next to him. When he looked over, he saw his father, he was out of the suit. He was in a black tunic with comfortable black pants. His head rested on his right robotic hand, with legs crossed comfortably with elbow on knee.

"Where are we?"

"At your grandparent's villa."


"Yes, on your mother's side." Luke looked at him, he had never heard of his mother, and he heard such sadness when talking of another person."besides, what you should be asking young one is: when are we?"


"We are 31 years in the past, my son." For a moment Luke felt like he was on Bespin, a single truth shattering his world. A truth that remakes his world into something way more complicated.

"No way."

A small smile twitched Vader's lips, "I'm afraid so, young one."

"How is this possible?"

"I can not pretend, I know. The force works in strange ways young one."

"What planet are we on?"

"Your mother's home planet of Naboo."

"Is she here?" Luke was more then a little bit curious of his mother, and what she was like.

"No, but she will be soon. Tomorrow to be exact."

"Really?" He felt like a small child, promised a long waited for sweet. He felt amusement from his force bond with his father. A small chuckle came from him.

"Yes, she just survived a assassination attempt and she is coming here to be guarded, by me.

"You so your here too? Or your younger self?"

"Anakin Skywalker will be here. That is why I must leave." Luke felt shock that Vader, who had hunted him down from one end of the universe to the other was leaving him.

"I'm trying to keep you safe. Theirs someone who needs my protection. Besides we don't want Anakin to ask questions. I've already set you up a temporary job to protect Padme along side me." He said with an inn quizzical look that seem to be asking if he was okay with that.

When Luke nodded, Vader sighed leaning back, and closing his yellow eyes. He opened them again and stood up, "Are you able to stand yet?" Luke swung his legs out of bed and stood. Vader and luke started walking.

"I'm leaving in two hours" Vader said.

"So soon?" Luke didn't like being away from the one person who knew him. Who knew the future, and was possibly trying to understand how to cope just like him.

"Can't I go with you?"

"No, I'm going to save my mother. It will be very dangerous, and I'll need to do some unsavory work. I'd rather not have my son see that side of me anymore."

Luke looked at Vader, he seemed so sencer, Luke felt no trace of false hood in the force. Luke decided to trust his father for now.

"Very well."

Vader had given him all information, and introduction he needed for now. Luke had meet his grandfather, and officially took the job. His grandfather was a kind man, and his grandmother seemed the same. Vader had left just as he said. They gave a small akward good bye. Luke had watched his father take off to save his mother.

Now he was laying on his back waiting for the news his mother and father had arrived. Vader had told him, at this point he and Padme were not together. Luke didn't mind that so much. A servant came telling him that Padme had arrived. He nodded, standing, and walking through the door.

When he got to the room that had Padme inside, he took a moment to breath. Then he opened the door as confidently as he could.

Every one looked up at him when he entered. The first he saw was his grandfather, he walked over, and it out of habit saluted. He quickly, pulled his arm down in embarrassment.

"sorry, sir, it's a habit." He said to his grandfather, hoping he wouldn't ask why it was a habit.

"It fine, my boy, now sit down and meet Padme, and jedi Padawan Anakin. He looked and if he didn't believe he was in the past all douts was gone then. It was his father, just younger and not so sad. The women next to him, had to have been his mother.

"Are you an angel?"

"What?" She said, confused. He want sure why he said it ether, it felt like what the force wanted him to say.

"I sorry, I don't know why I said that." He looked down, his checks were definitely flushed, so much for good impressions. He heard a laugh, and looked up, Padme was laughing.

"Thats what Ani said, when we first met. Remember, Ani?"

"Yeah", he said with a not so happy look.

"So what's your name?" She asked, with a sweet smile. Luke thought a moment then decided to go with a name that scared most sane people.

"Vader, Luke Vader."

-word count: 1175

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