(10)New Beginning?

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After Palpatine was killed his crimes was revealed and Bail was made chanselier, were he emedietly stoped the war. And reversed many the things Palpatine had done. Now Padme was chanselier, but she still made time for her family.

Anikin quit the Jedi to become a stay at home dad while Padme was busy with politics. They had Luke and Laia. Padme didn't want to change the names, and Anikin didn't want to argue.

Luke stayed in the jedi order and now is the youngest master to ever come into the council.

Laia had her two kids one named Ben and the other Anikin. She and Han got  a home on Naboo near Padme's and Anikin's house. Where they could help raise the kids, and Anikin didn't complain.

Yoda was still a Jedi master, but retired. Mace Windu is now the head of the order with Obi-Wan as his second.

Obi-Wan and Satine had three kids together: James, Okami, and kiki. One boy and two beautiful girls.

And Vader and Shelly. Well they went to explore the stars. Going to every planet, and exploring the uncharted parts of the universe. And they never had kids of their own, they were happy with Luke and Laia.

They all loved as happily as they could be.

Authors Note:

Yay! Finished! Thank you all for reading my book.

I know this last chapter was more of a summary, but I thought it would have been really hard to say everything I wanted to in a normal format.

Who knows, maybe one day I'll come back and do this properly.

Thank you all again for reading, and voting and commenting.

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