(8)Well That's Anti Climatic

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They all walked into the council room, and sat in the chairs that was in a circle. This was a secret meeting, it was on a need to know basis. The people in the meeting was Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Han, Laia, Luke, and Vader. There was one free seat next to Vader.

"Vader, would you remind every one here of what has happened so far?" Windu addressed the EX sith.

"Yes master Windu. Luke and I ended up here in this time almost three years ago. We ended up on Naboo, near Padme's parents place where we passed out for several days.

I got a job for luke to protect the senator along side my younger self. I went to save my mother from Tuscan Raiders in which I succeeded. Then I went to Genesis to wait for and rescue Obi-Wan. I had hoped that Sense my son was with them they would have stayed on Tatooine or Naboo even. Unfortunately I underestimated my son's sense for self preservation." Luke rolled his eyes at what his father had said. Laia just smirked, what Vader had said did sound like her brother.

Vader continued,"we fought in the battle of Genesis, in which I let count Dooku escape. If I hadn't, then to much would have changed, and I wouldn't have known what the future was."every one looked at Vader with a 'really?'look. Vader shrugged, "I was a sith.

That is how the clone wars began. While my young counter part become 'the hero without fear', I have been counseling the jedi in the war. I have been trying to avoid suspicion from Palpatine, who is Darth Sidius.

Then came the mission that changed my life the last time. The mission to rescue Palpatine. In which last time I had killed Dooku and Grievous had got away.

But this time Laia stopped Anakin from killing Dooku, and killed Grievance. They returned to Corosant with Palpatine and Dooku. And now we are almost to the day the empire will rise. We are running out of time.

We have plenty of evidence of Palpatine's sith life. But all of it can be explained away if we let Palpatine open his mouth. So the point in this meeting is to discuss what we are to do with Palpatine." Once Vader had finished they all sat, and thought of ways to get rid of Palpatine.

"The only way I can see is," Windu said slowly thinking carefully at how to say what he had been thinking about for a while. "assassination"

Everyone looked at Windu as if he had gone insane, except for Vader who was smiling and nodding.

"We'll say it was the count who killed him, sense it's still not widely known we captured him." Vader said thoughtfully.

"That's a good idea, you think?" Yoda inquired.

"It's our best bet, but we can not execute him after. Or else it will continue the circle of violence." Vader warned.

"I agree with father." Luke said

"Suck up." Laia muttered under her breath, but Luke could still feel the meaning through their force bond.

"Laia! You know Father is right!"

"I don't think so! I think we should just kill the lot of them! Along with 'father'!" She spat bitterly. She might have promised to try, but it didn't change the past. What Vader had done to her was unforgivable.

Vader had the grace to be ashamed, and he said nothing in his own defence. Putting his face in his hands, Vader put his elbows on his knees just listening to what everyone else said. Everything that Laia said was what Vader told himself. He hated himself, and how could he ask his daughter to forgiveness when he didn't forgive himself.

It was Yoda that came to the rescue. "Like your father, you are." He said matter-of-factly. "same thing I told your father, tell you I will. Fear leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side. What happened to your father, that is. The mind, it twists." Everyone looked at Yoda with a mixture of fascination and disgust. "can not think clearly, a person controlled by the dark side is."

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