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"Good morning. Need any help?" I ask the gardener, hoping for something to do. As always the man replied with a short no.

I could tell english wasn't his strong suit. As every morning I seemed to be the only one who was awake in the large house.

Meaning there was nothing to do, and more time to let my thoughts carry me around the place like a feather. I missed how loud new york was. I missed home, and my stuffed octopus.

It made me uneasy to see Stefano staring at me through one of the upstair windows. By the direction it was in I knew it was his office.

Breathing in the breeze and floral scent of the flowers around me. My feet take me up the garden and back into the house.

The sun had barely risen and I was already about to have my temper sky rocket. No more waiting, I am a strong and independent woman.

"Let's talk." The guards by Stefano's office made no motions to stop me as I burst into his office. Still standing, he looks caught off guard.

"Will you listen?" His voice was gruff. I guess that's what it would sound like if I woke up next to him.

I slap a hand over my forehead, keeping myself from thinking further. "Yes, I will." I close the doors behind me, walking to stand in front of the large build desk.

"Are you going to sit?" I hop on top of the desk, making myself comfortable. Not just on the desk, but directed in front of him.

"Continue." I try to find his eyes but he never looks up. "Stefano please look at me or i'm going to leave. I want answers and I want them right now." He looks me in my face before leaning back.

"I didn't want to scare you. I don't know how to tell you." I perch both of my elbows on to my thighs to lean closer. "It's okay."

"I didn't want to lose you and I did." My heart pulls heavily in my chest, bit I give no reaction.

"I'm here. What is it?" I plead, not knowing where this was going. He looked hesitant, rubbing his thumb down his pointer finger.

I noticed he did it only when he was nervous. I sigh before reaching out to take his hand in mine. "Look at me." His eyes pained me, he looked down shamefully.

"I have a son." A dead pause fills the office. The sun rising lit up the room with each passing moment. I didn't know what to say or do.

Thoughts travel through my head at the speed of lightning. "Is that a bad thing?" My voice speaks up startling me. He looked up from our hands. "No one in this house knows but you."

I gasp feeling my hand let go of his, just to be grabbed back. "Your mother- she doesn't?"

"Only you."

"So that's where you've been, with him?" I trail, receiving a tilt of his head. "The family took it as being with my newlywed."

"That's so smart." A slight smirk pulls at his lips before falling. "Why didn't you think I would understand? I whisper, uncrossing my legs when feeling them cramp.

His eyes fall down to them geforce clearing his throat. "That it would scare you away."

"I like kids." A laugh echos the room, bringing me inner happiness. I made him laugh, I did.

"You're young. The idea of children shouldn't be on your mind so soon." I knew what he meant.

"I understand why you didn't tell me, I do. If I were in your shoes i'd- I don't know." I stumble, when feeling his hands cage both of my ankles. He leans up, holding my legs in place.

"I never meant to hurt you." The lonely nights flood back into my head. "Baby." Hearing the simple word made his presence like a walking teddy bear.

I wanted to latch on and never let go. He puts his head on my lap, tightening his grip on my ankles. I run my hand through his hair, fighting the urge to hug him closer.

"It never works." He lifts his head from my lap. "I tell myself i'm done with you and I can't."

He looked pained by my words.

"I hope you got a prenup." His eyes darkened. "I didn't, you're not leaving me." Ge let go let's go of be, before grabbing into my waist and pull young me on his lap."

"Stefano!" He cuts me off quickly. "Are you." It wasn't a question in the slightest. Touching has got to be the way he shows affection.

"I don't forgive you."

"Answer the question." So it was a question. "I meant it for me. What if you divorce me and take my collectible stuffed animals."

He hand trailed to my ass and I smack it. I'm sitting with both legs on either side or his, at straddling him. "You're enough for me."

His tone was playful, and I scoff. "Doubt it." He takes his hand, running it through my hair.

"I will only hope you can learn to forgive me."

So do I.



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