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Boston was cold beyond belief. Nothing like the weather in New York. There was melted snow and ice covering every inch of the ground, which was extremely dangerous for someone like me. A girl who couldn't walk in heels, much less walk on ice.

I remember my slipping on ice last year, and how Harper stood laughing at me. Now i'm here with her brother, who is now trying to hold in his amusement with everything he could. Even if I wish he wouldn't, I missed his sweet smile.

It was a fucking drug.

My arms wrapped tightly around his waist the second that I got off the helicopter, and held on for dear life. It was amusing to the devilishly tall man. But either way, he was quick to grab ahold of me once I slipped the first time. My feet were sliding and slipping with every step until he had no other choice but to carry me.

Which caused my eyes to roll as he stepped onto an elevator for the second time today, which took us only six floors below to an empty hotel room. It was luxurious, definitely one of the most expensive in the city, there was no doubt about that. It wasn't modern like I thought it would be from walking down the halls. But outdated, and old-looking.

He slowly lets me down, leaving me to find my way through each room, roaming and becoming relaxed now that it was just the two of us, until his mouth opened. I don't know what I expected. I wasn't told where we were going anyway. I just trusted him, like a lost puppy, but a lovesick one. My feet take me out of the gigantic bathroom to stare at his back.

He was such an old man, coming in and turning on the television. I've been convinced that I was all he needed to be entertained. Well, until you put a television in front of his face, and like a moth drawn to a flame, he was captivated by the thing.

I watch him, and something tells me it takes away his bad thoughts and wrecked nerves. Pushing them into the far back of his mind for the time being. And that being said, i'm glad there was a television here in the room.

"Wait it's on a yacht?" I question, leaning up against the doorway. I'd never been on a yacht before, but sure I've seen them in person. Once I tried sneaking onto one with Jason, but didn't get very far. He turns his head, facing me and squinting his eyes.

"Yes." He replies uninterested in my questioning, probably knowing that I was about to ask ten more. He was right, I lean up and slowly start to make my way towards him.

My hands press up against his stuff back, running my fingers up and over to massage his shoulders. Even if it was difficult due to our differences in height.

"So a boat." I continue, peeking my head around his body. Smiling as his body twists around, and grabs my waist tightly. He pulls me around to stand just in front of him.

Bending to kiss the top of my head. I dig my face into his chest, nuzzling deeper while his hand holds the back of my head comfortably.

"It won't leave the dock, Carmen." His voice was playful, giving me that same pit feeling of euphoric butterflies eating me alive from the inside out. Even those words weren't enough to describe the way he made me feel, no way ever word could.

We had to attend a charity event. So in other words, everyone attending would have a gun on their person. Or would they? I'd always thought investors or big shot doctors would attend charity events, as i've seen on television.

I guess I was right about the investor part.

"Is everyone from the mafia?" I ask, genuinely curious as I turn my body around in his arms to see what was playing on the television. Which was a black and white cartoon. I don't recognize it, but he seemed pleased by it playing.

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