Clucking Hens

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"But I don't understand. She was laying on a door, on the ocean! there's no way he could've fit!"

Tony was on my last nerve.

"Yes he could've! Did you see how big those doors were? And its not like they couldn't touch each other! He could've easily gotten up there and laid ontop of her! It would've helped them survive too cause of body warmth!"

"So what, you're saying that she killed him on purpose?"
He smirked at me. I swear I'm about to hit this man. Right between his eyes.

"Or she's just a dumbass!!"

"He was already frozen she couldn't have saved him."

Just then Steve walked in and raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you talking about me?"

"No Steve we're talking about Jack and Rose from Titanic."

"Yeah.. hey actually let's ask him for a third opinion!"

"Has he watched it yet?"

Steve looked at me with worried eyes.

"Did I watch what?"

"Titanic. The movie about the ship that sunk in the freezing cold water."

He nodded slowly and grabbed an apple from the bowl infront of me.

"Okay. The water scene. Could Jack have fit on the door with Rose?"

"Answer this carefully Cap.."

I reached over and swatted Tony's arm.

"Uh.. yes? I guess so.. they could've huddled together."

He looked between me and Tony with pure fear written on his face.

"Yes!!" I shout and jump up to dance around like a drunk toddler.

"Are you kidding me?"

Tony groans and takes out a twenty from his pocket and slides it over to my seat.

"Thanks alot Rogers."

Tony said with a sour face before he got up and walked off to probably go pout in a corner somewhere.

"Thank you Captain!"
I said smiling as I ran over and hugged him quickly before grabbing my 20 and shoving it in my bra.

When I looked back up he was blushing.

"Whats wrong?"

"Um.. nothing."

"Oh. Boob money right? Its God's purse!" I smile innocently and mentally groan when I see Tony walk back in with Natasha and a sick looking Bucky.

"Oh God what now?"

"We can truly settle this now! Steve is obviously an underground spy but these two-"

"Are literal spies.."

I mumble as I shove another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

Natasha chuckles and walks over to eat my cereal with me. Bucky sits down with a uncomfortable frown.

"Alright. Answer this carefully. In Titanic. Could Jack have fit on the door with Rose?"

Tony asks with a giant hopeful smile on his face.

"Oh definitely."

Nat quickly responds.

Tony frowns and looks at Bucky

"What about you tin man?"

Bucky doesn't respond.

"You alright Buck?"

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