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(Author's Note: For better reading, click the link on my comment to view JL's cover of Officially Missing You with another Star Hunt Trainee, Mikki.)


It is six o'clock in the morning, but I cannot feel the sun's stinging rays. I do not know why my body feels heavy when I was not able to play that much during the match yesterday. My foot also does not hurt that much anymore. Perhaps, you are the reason again why I am feeling this way.

"JL, get up now. You're going to be late for your classes." I heard my mom call me. "Yes, mom. I'm already awake." I unenergetically said.

Get a grip of yourself, JL. Why are you still thinking about him when he's obviously happy with someone else now?

As I picked up my towel, I went out of the room to take a bath. My room is located on the first floor which is why I saw that Aira, my younger sister, is already up. "Kuya, aren't you going to eat? Come on, it's your favorite!" she said. "I'll have to pass. I don't feel like eating today." I said and went straight to the bathroom.


"Hey, Kuya JL! Wait up!" Nate called. I stopped and turned around to wait for him. "Why? What's up?" I asked him. "Nothing. I just wanted to walk with you and ask how you are doing. Is your foot better?" he asked. 

"Oh, this? Yeah, it's all better now. I can jump and land better now." I jokingly told him. Even when we were kids, Nate has been my there for me. "By the way, what time does your class start? It's almost eight o'clock, you might be late." I told him. "My class starts at 9 but I have a test, so I went here early to hangout in the library." he replied. 

I chuckled when I heard his reply. It has been years since he lived here in the Philippines, but he still talks the same. "Go ahead, Nate. My building is this way." I told him. "Oh okay, Kuya. See you around!" he said as he ran to the opposite direction.

I was on my way to the floor where we are supposed to have classes when my blockmate texted me that we will not be having classes today since our professor is absent. Well, I guess more time for me to walk around and relax.

I found my way to the cafeteria since I was not able to take my breakfast a while ago. The cafeteria is not crowded as it used to be since the classes have already started. In the two years that I have stayed here, I can say that I am still not used to the environment here. Saint Howard's Academy is really different from Brentville. It's quieter and the sky is clearer here probably because of the trees that surround the school. It is also a bit far from the main road unlike Brentville wherein the main road and pollution will greatly welcome you as soon as you step out of the gates.

After buying waffles, I went to the garden to relax and take a bite. The garden is somehow filled with students. Some are studying, some are sleeping, and some are flirting with each other.

"Hey, when are you going to teach me this lesson?" he asked for the thousandth time. "Why would I teach you that when it was just discussed a while ago? Were you not listening?" I irritatingly asked. "I was watching a game a while ago. It was a match between Philippines and Thailand! Please. Just for this lesson. I promise, I will listen to our professor next time." he pleaded. If it wasn't for...nevermind. "Fine, I'll do it." in the end, he convinced me to teach him. "Yehey! You are really the best! Because of that, I'll treat you to something later. What do you want?" he asked. You. I want you."

If We BecomeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon