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Y/n pov
Jisu I was sitting next to JIMIN and I really didn't like it I know everything about her she just gonna use my friend just like she used my brother , but I am not gonna let that happen I will protect my friend no matter what .

[Time skip at lunch]
It was lunch and when I entered the cafeteria I was about to search my friends when I saw  them sitting with jisu. Ugh why .
I was about to go to them when....I heard someone calling me.
Jimin: y/n!! We are here come and sit with us
Y/n mind: I smiled at him and go there. I sit between V and Yoongi .
Jimin: y/n meet our new friend jisu she really kind (smiles at jisu )
Y/n:( fake smile) ah yes nice to meet you ...
Jisu: yea me to( smirks)
Y/n mind: ugh why she smirks at me I wanna beat her up but I can't .... And I am not gonna it .
Y/n: Guys let's go to shopping after school.
Jungkook: sorry y/n we can't we are going to park with jisu
Y/n : umm ok heh
Jimin : I will go with you
Y/n : really!!
Jimin: No I was joking haha it's a punishment for you for calling me short .
Y/n:   I'm sorry,, you guys can enjoy .. I'm going now (fake smile)
Taehyung: y/n wai-
Y/n pov
I just walked fast from cafe tears was forming in my eyes but I hold it . I never wanna show other that I'm broke inside so I also show everyone my smiling face and I also want to make other happy ...bcz my childhood was  terrible bcz of Jisu ....she didn't even bully me but she did more than that.

[Time skip at home]
I was doing my homework when my phone buzz when I got a notification from Instagram where BTS post pictures with jisu .
I didn't even realise when tear drop fell from my eyes . but I know there enjoying with her because she is a new student and that's why. They will hangout with me soon ...
And after that I started to do my homework again.

[After 1 month]
I thought they will hang out with me soon but the fact that they always ignore me and never hangout with me nor they talk to me I was thinking that I was... REPLACED

[Time skip at cafeteria]
I was about to go there to sit with them when I saw them with an angry face what happened to them thought I go and sit between jimin and j hope..
Y/n: what happened guys why are you so angry.
Jimin : look whose asking

Y/n: what do you mean

Jungkook: bitch do yo even know what you did to jisu yesterday after school

Y/n: what I didn't do anything

Yoongi: stop lying jisu told us everything

Taehyung: y/n I thought you are nice friend but I am totally wrong that's why I was thinking whenever you are around jisu  why you're always act werid the reason behind it that you were bullied her  in past  and even yesterday just because we are hangout with her WHY.

Y/N: I swear I didn't did anything  taeh-- ahhh

A/n pov
Jungkook grab y/n's hair and started to draging her and take her to coredoor y/n was begging him to stop but he didn't . Whole cafeteria was shocked
BTS started to beating her

Jimin: that's what you did to jisu right now you deserve this bitch .




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