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???: Shh y/n it's me
Y/n pov
I was past out when BTS were beatings me ,, after that I don't remember anything,, I was laying on bed when someone hold my hand gentle and he was looking at me ,, after knowing that person I started to cry

Y/n: oppa!!! (Sobbing) please don't leave me again oppa I miss u !!

Yeonjun: my princess don't cry oppa is here for you hmm I will never leave you again ok don't worry ..

Y/n: oppa.. jis-

Yeonjun: angel Jeongyeon and Lisa have told me everything about what happened... She hurts you and take your friends away right ...

Y/n: yes oppa bu..but where is Jeongyeon and Lisa un..unnie ..

Yeonjun: they are the one who brought you here at home... They were also hurt ... Shame of jimin and jungkook how can they hurt there own sisters.....

Y/n: what!!! Oppa are they okay ...I wanna see them oppa ...

Yeonjun: y/n don't worry they are alright...they told me to take care off you also..

Y/n: Also what oppa ??

Yeonjun: also ....I'm taking you to another city with me and my girlfriend.... Are u ready?

Y/n: your girlfriend?? You mean with unnie

Yeonjun: yes.. Princess now take some rest I'm going to take some things from grocery okay ...

Y/n: okay.. oppa... Bye

(2 hours before)

Yeonjun pov
I was on my home doing work when I get a call from Jeongyeon y/n's friend ..

Yeonjun: why did she call me ?? Hmm let's see

On call
Jeongyeon: hello? Is this choi yeonjun??

Yeonjun: yes Jeongyeon.. why did you call me you need anything..

Jeongyeon: No yeonjun I don't need anything but... Y/n needs you can you please come at her house..

Yeonjun: what...! What she okay ...? Jeongyeon answer..

Jeongyeon pov
After he shout at me I think sometimes and them told him everything happened between y/n, jisu and BTS . After hearing Jisu name his voice seems like cold and angry and then he told me that he coming home in 30 minutes....

Yeonjun: alright I'm on my way to home .. please take care of y/n Jeongyeon..

Jeongyeon: okay yeonjun...

Call ended


Yeonjun pov
When I get inside her room I saw her sleeping ... But when I saw her wounds in hands and legs my blood starts to boil..
I wanna kill them right now ..after Jeongyeon and Lisa told me more things that Jeongyeon didn't told in phone.... I thanked them for caring for my lil sis then they leave.
I slowly sat beside her looking at her face I wanna cry and I was thinking that it was because of me .... If I was with her no one can hurt her ....I was thinking when I saw her slowly opening her eyes and mumbling..
She started to cry when she look at me... After comforting her I get out of house for meeting someone..

It's been 3 days y/n didn't came to school we were laughing at how she's scared of us and how b*tch she is .... When random boy shout at cafeteria

Boy1: did you hear that y/n is leaving school

Boy2: wow really she the one of the best student on school !!! Why she's leaving

Boy1: i don't know its a rumor ,,, and she's a really good student ,,she was good at everything..what do you think is she gonna leave school???

Boy2: I don't know...maybe you can see she's not coming school from 3 days ..

Back to BTS

Jimin: did you hear that shit they are talking

Taehyung: hmm if she leaves school then it's good that bitch should leave school pfft

Jungkook: yes she was a mistake in our life...I'm thinking how even we become a friend's with a shitty bully Jisu is really good hah.

Yoongi: okay now enough let's talk about some good things.. why you all always talk about that freak

BTS expect yoongi: yeah haha

Jisu: hey guys how are y'all

Jungkook: were good sho-

Jisu : what jungkook

Jungkook: ahh no.. nothing we are good jisu

Jungkook pov
I was about to say shorty ...the nickname I gave to....Y/N.....

2 days later

BTS POV  we were on class waiting for Mrs Kim and Taehyung because he went to washroom ....after that when he came and shout ...we get shocked about what he just said .....

Taehyung: GUY'S!!! WE NEED TO HURRY !!!!


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