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Few hours later at Busan

We were now going to our apartment . I was sitting at back seat on car and Lia unnie was sitting on passenger seat beside oppa and yeonjun oppa was driving car ... I was looking at beautiful evening sky which was blue and purple...

At home

Yeonjun: Princess let's have dinner than you should go to bed because tommorow is your school..

Y/n: WHAT!!! Oppa I have school tommorow?!

Yeonjun: yes princess because you will feel much better at school so I think you should go school ... It's 8pm now go to sleep and wake up early okay

Y/n: okay oppa (smile)

After dinner

Y/n: hmmp it was so good unnie ,,

Lia: I'm glad that you like food .. angel you should go now okay sleep well (smile)

Y/n: okay bye good night

Yeonjun: yes good night princess

(He then kissed my forehead)

At y/n's room

Y/n pov
It was 9:30 pm so I thought I should unpack first. I was now arranging my desk when I saw photo frame of BTS with me.,. I was smiling at the photo thinking those days were so good ... But now my happiness is gone.... I was wondering if I can get good friends here because I was kinda nervous and scared ... But I didn't think much and then I got ready for bed and I was really tired so I goes so sleep ...


Lia: yaa y/n it's 7 am wake up now

Y/n: nooo 5 minutes more hmmm

Lia: Nooo get up now you lazy potato

Y/n: hmm noo

Lia: okay then no chocolate for a month

Y/n: I'm up unnie

Lia: good girl I'm makeing pancakes and milkshake so , go  get ready  and come downstairs for breakfast okay

Y/n: okay unnie thank you

Lia: no problem potato

Y/n: yaaa don't tease me

Lia: haha okay come fast .

After 15 minutes'
Now I cleaned my bed ,took a shower, wear a jeans and long shirt and pack my bag and headed downstairs...after doing my breakfast I wish lia unnie and goes to my school..

Y/n in mind : wow it's so big and there are so many people here I'm kinda nerves buy it's okay ...

I was at coredoor searching my class when a boy shout at me .

???: Hey you must me y/n right ?

Y/n: umm yeah who are you

???; I'm the class president of your class the principal said to show you school . So are you ready??

Y/n: yeah .. but what's your name

???: Ohh sorry I'm Hyujin nice meet you 

Y/n: okay Hyujin nice to meet you too ..

After 30 minutes

He was so friendly and he showed me the whole school he was really good and we even become friends..I'm glad I got a friend now .. Now I was going to attend my maths class with Hyujin

Mr Lee: hey classe we have a new student .
Can you introduce yourself

Y/n: sure sir . Hello class I'm Choi y/n and I like arts and I will like to be your friend (smile)

Mr Lee: Good now you can sit there (je pointed at middle seat and I go and sit there. Hyujin was sitting in front of me ..)

Mr Lee: now class we can start the lesson .

After class

Hyujin: soo y/n did you enjoy the class .

Y/n: yes it was fun

Hyujin then drag me to back seat where a boy was sitting

Hyujin: y/n meet him he's my bestfriend

Y/n: umm hello

???: Hi

Hyujin:y/n don't worry he's a little cold and shy guy ...he will become your friend very soon okay

???: Yaaaa I'm not cold you stupid

Hyujin: see he's now shouting at me

Y/n: haha you guys are really funny

Hyujin: yep we are  (he said with proud)

Y/n: btw you didn't tell me your name

???: My name is .....


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