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Jimin: y/n do you love me I do .....?

Y/n: j...jimin I'm sorry but I'm need some time .....

Jimin: I understand...but let's just forgot this...

Y/n: yeah you're right...we all should forgot this okay .... Jimin

Taehyung:yes we will also we have a surprise for you y/n ..

Y/n: what is it??

Jungkook: we will tell you later ....

Y/n: ohh okay ...umm guys I should sleep now otherwise I will get late for school tomorrow bye.

BTS: bye y/n good night

""after taking the shower I wear a comfy skirt and top after that I goes  downstairs to meet unnie she made breakfast for me and it was delicious I asked her where yeonjun oppa was and she told me he goes out for a work and will return after a week I was sad because I was missing him but wahi will come back soon so I grab my backpack and start going to school ""

NEXT MORNING""after taking the shower I wear a comfy skirt and top after that I goes  downstairs to meet unnie she made breakfast for me and it was delicious I asked her where yeonjun oppa was and she told me he goes out for a work and will return...

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(This is what y/n is wearing her makeup and hair style  now back to the story )

(This is what y/n is wearing her makeup and hair style  now back to the story )

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I was sitting beside yeji when our class teacher shout at US that we have lots of new student todayI was thinking who is when my eyes widened after I  see them  they were ......... BTS .,, JEONGYEON AND LISA

When I saw Jeongyeon and lisa I was so happy and thinking that this was the surprise Taehyung was talking about... I was missing them so much that I didn't even realise that I was just staring at them
.. suddenly yeji pinch me

Y/n: oww yaa why did you do that

Yeji: you were didn't even listening to me just starting at that boy ( she pointed at jimin)

Y/n: ohh I'm sorry...I will explain later .

Yeji: what do you wanna explain later ??

Y/n: ahh I will tell later now let me focus on class otherwise mrs Kang will  give me detention .

Yeji: alright alright...

"" I didn't even realise that jimin sat beside me and smiled at me other were on other classes because namjoon,Jin, yoongi,hoseok, were elder and jungkook Lisa Jeongyeon,jimin and Taehyung were on my class ....


I was sitting with Hyujin, Felix and yeji when BTS came and ask us that could they sit with us ...

Hyujin: you all are new student right ?? You all can sit with us what's your name by the way ...

Y/n: uhh let me tell u everything

Felix: what happened do you know them??

I nodded and told them everything that they are my friends from my old school ...

Yeji: wow you are lucky y/n that you have seven handsome friends...

Y/n : yaaaa shut up .. where is Jeongyeon and Lisa unnie?

Jimin : they were doing some work they will come soon don't worry about them

Y/n: oh okay ...

I was eating when someone closed my eye from behind as I one ever did that with me...

???: Yooooo y/n

???: Haha she didn't changed lol


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