New friends???

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*Carter's POV*

As i sat down i plugged in my head phones and listened to baby don't cut by B-Mike when i felt a tap on my shoulder i turned around to see...... Ashton Irwin...
*A/N- didn't expect that did ya*
Ok then this is weird my sisters favorite singer is sitting by me.... i quickly sent a mind message to my sister ' sis you wont believe this' 'What' she asked worried ' Ashton Irwin is sitting next to me' 'i could hear her think so manny cuss words and fan girling language ' Are you serious' 'What do u think' my facial expression was changing and Ashton was looking at me strangely "what??" I asked "why was ur face changing alot" "oh... i was messaging my sister"

*Dylan's POV*

After i talked to carter i put my headphones in and listened to Falling In Reverse- Im not a vampire when i censed someone next to me i turned and i instantly recognized him as Mitch.. Then I quickly looked at my phone and mentally messaged ma sista and this is what happend...
'Yo sis guess what....'
"Shut up and tell me'
'Mitch is right next to me"
'AHHHHHHHH......Y.G.T.B.F.K.M... I-' then I cut her from my mind I felt him tap my shoulder so I looked up at him and said "what u want?" "Are you from around here??" "Yes I was born and raised" "Cool, I could tell" "how??" "Because all pretty girls are from here." "It took all my might not to burst out laughing because of how lame the pick up line was. Now I know why Carter hates him so I decided to play along just to mess with his mind "well pretty boy, I'm not pretty." Then I slightly giggled and looked down trying to hold in my evil/disgusted laughter we flirted some more me faking the entire time and I let my sister listen the entire time I could tell she was because she would burst out laughing every time I flirted back. I couldn't wait till we got off this plane so I could see her and Ashton... i mind messaged Carter 'hey u better mention me while you're talking to Ashton so I can have a chance with him... maybe..'

(Carter mentioned stuff about her sister already)
*Carter's POV*
After we landed I was still talking to Ashton as we walked to the luggage claim "hey I'm meeting up with my sister, do u want to tag along??" He nodded in agreement when we got there I saw Dylan and Mitch still talking I tried hard to make sure I looked as nice as possible and not pure hatred on my face as soon as we walked up Mitch said hi and then looked at Dylan and whispered "who's the slut" but I still heard it.. and then Ashton interrupted the conversation without knowing it "sooo... this is your sister that you were talking about" I could imagine the look on Mitch's face "yep" was all I said. and then Ashton whispered "she is beautiful, can I get to know her" "yea go ahead she's a fan and I'll stay here and wait for my cab you can just drop her off" he nodded and asked Dylan if she wanted to get coffee, she looked at me and I nodded my head and told her what I told him..then I was left with an awkward silence with Mitch and he broke it by saying "so...your her sister..." "uhhh......yeah..." While the cab was taking long we were in a deep convo and we started arguing witch led to him calling me a bitch, slut, whore, and a freak then finally my cab came...

~~~~at house~~~~~
They pulled up to the house and looked at the rooms for rent sign in our lawn. Dylan should be home soon, so before she got here I went to the bathroom where our stuff was already set up from the movers, I jumped in the shower and and after I was almost done I had one thing left to do so I reached on top of the door until I felt cold metal on my finger tips making me shiver with delight then by the time I got done I had 30 cuts on my arms and 10 on my stomach, by the time I cleaned up the phone rang I picked it up and this is the convo

"Are you calling for the room"
"Yes, I will be there tomorrow"
"Ok goodbye"

I knew who it was so hopefully we don't argue..


-a/n: hia sorry it took a while to update have been feeling like shit recently but here ya go I guess loves ya <3<3

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