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*Carter pov*
While i walk the halls of the orphanage i remember walking the halls to my old wooden house
All i heard was my mom and dad yelling then a shot rang through my ears so i quickly covered them and when i was good i uncovered them and heard pounding footsteps going up the stairs then the foot steps stopped at my door i looked at the door from my bed then it came swinging open, "hey, Slut!!"
It was my dad and he was furious i didn't answer so he slapped me and spit on me then he did something i wasn't expecting, all i heard was a zipper sound and everything went black, i had no idea where Dylan was.
<flashback over>
I shuddered at the old memory that day i had lost my virginity to my dad. I started getting worked up from the memory. Oh No! No not now, i started having a panic attack all i did was what i could only do i sat down hugging my knees and barley breathing and hoping someone will find me luckily my sister found me and quickly ran into my room to get my inhaler i was seeing black dots in my vision by the tome she came back i could barley even get out a jagged breath, she gave it to me and i quickly used it how i was supposed too and finally after minutes got my breath under control. Dylan looked at me "Flashback??" She asked "Yea" she gave me a reassuring look and said "that was the fifth time this week" "i know, i don't know y though"
"Its probably just mental damage from the past" "your probably right" we hated it here, and apparently it hated having us here, but all we need to stay here for a few more weeks then we will both be 18 Yay!! "Im gunna go and watch ma fav youtuber kay??" I said "ya sis I'm prob gunna listen to ma fav singer kay?" She said imitating me then we both burst out laughing "kk u do dat" i walked to our room and put my laptop i bought with my monay from ma job at hot topic *ikr* and put ma headphones in, then my sister came in singing her fav part in 'Good girls' "she a good girl, hasn't been caught" shes a really good singer but doesn't like to admit it, i suck at singing even though she tells me I'm good i think its because she feels sorry for me.

*Dylan pov*
I was singing my favorite part in my favorite song i sounded terrible but who gives a shit! When i sat down i caught a glance at Carter eyeing me enviously. I still think she is a better singer but what evs.

*Carter pov*
As i was watching the video, Pewdiepie fell out of his chair and i burst out laughing getting a 'really' glare from Dylan i hate my laugh so much just as much as how i look but Dylan obviously looks rocken like always but i look like Shit!!. I feel like i should cut maybe i should, i want to feel the blade on my skin i told Dylan i had to go to the bathroom but i knew she didn't believe me but oh well.


*A/N* "hey guys i put a lot of work into this chap so hope u like, another will be doing the other chap... Oh And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! ;)"

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