You'll Be Back

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Batman was anxious; this was not the typical behaviour for Joker. Although the Joker is anything but average, he was still anxious nonetheless.

The bat-signal was turned on, a small present in green and purple bellow it. Inside, there was no bomb, just a note.

Top of Wayne Enterprise. Midnight.

That was the only thing written on it. It looked like the Joker has something pulled up his sleeve.


Batman was a bundle of taut nerves until the clock struck midnight. Most villains he faced during that time quickly left looking like they wear the same make-up around their eyes as himself. Or they just surrendered themselves and faced cuffs instead of fists.

Finally, the time came when Batman swung down onto the roof.

Joker took this as his moment to strike. He had to do this in one shot otherwise the Bat would run. Pulling the trigger on what was a hopefully accurate shot, Joker shot the small needle at Batman.
There is a feeble piece of flesh that shows when Batman moves his neck sometimes. That was where Joker was aiming. That is also where Joker got by some small miracle.

"What..?" Batman asked as he felt a small prick on the back of his neck.

Before Batman could even think about reaching to what caused that pitch, Joker stepped out in front of him. "Hi, Batsy!" Joker said, ever the present smile.

"Joker," Batman growled or wanted to growl. Instead, it came out more as a slur.

"Having a little trouble there?" Joker asked.

Batman only slurred something as he started to stumble.

"You know I wasn't sure I gave the correct dose. It did seem very high..." Joker explained as Batman's legs gave way as he hit the floor with a massive bang, "but it seems like I did get the correct amount!" Joker then giggled.

"What are you doing..?" Batman finally managed to growl out.

"My greatest plan yet," Joker replied, watching the great Batman fall unconscious.


Batman woke and found himself strapped tightly in a chair. His arms were tied behind him, his legs to the legs of the chair. Rope and cuffs were holding him in those positions. Thankfully, his mask was still in place, although his neck hurt and felt oddly cold.

As Batman started to try and fight against the restraints, a cold laugh echoed through the room.

"I see that you are awake," the Joker stated, licking his lips.

Batman started growling, pulling against the ropes as much as he could. Suddenly all movement stopped as his neck felt like it was on fire - electricity running through it.

"Ah-ah, I would not do that if I were you!" The Joker said, waving a finger as if Batman was a misbehaving pet.
In his other hand, he held a remote. "You see, there are four settings. One - the level you just got, that is when you don't cooperate. Two - that is when you try to escape. Three - you hurt or damage something of mine. Now, number four will make you want to die; this is when you have done something awful, and I get to choose what this is." The Joker explained.

"Puddin' what are we going to do to him? Torture him?" Harley asked, skating into the room, "kill him?!"

"No, but we are going to find out his identity," the Joker smirked, licking his lips again.

"Could we keep him?!" She suddenly asked, turning to face Joker with puppy-eyes.

Never the one to have the ability to turn those eyes down, Joker replied, "maybe."

You Never Cease To Amaze Me, BatsWhere stories live. Discover now