Mission 10

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Glasses shattered, bleeding fists, unarmed bodies, and lethality.

The hall was filled with distorted things around the whole place. There stood Park Yurra with her bleeding fist and Jeong Yunho with a bleed forehead.

How did this even happen?

Let's go back to when Ines and Yunho fought.

"Because he'd be dead if it wasn't me." Ines spat at Yunho and Wooyoung took her away.

"That bitch-" Yunho tries to go to Ines but Hongjoong stops him from stepping further.

"Did you complete the task I gave?" Hongjoong asked which came out as a demand.

"Yeah, I have to make a report," Yunho said with a deep sigh and cracked his stiff neck, trying not to get intimidated by his boss and avoiding eye contact.

"Do. It. Now. I want it in an hour." He ordered and everyone in the room gulped at his strict tone and Yunho silently nodded.

Hongjoong then walked to his office and everyone scurried back to whatever they were doing.

On the other hand, in (Y/n)'s room, A certain Park was raging in anger because her leader told them everything.

"No matter... No matter how much we try, it's like she wrapped him in black magic." Yurra said with her teeth gritted and balled fist.

"Whenever I try to shut him off... he comes back into my life...I just can't-" (Y/n) shakily says but Elise quiets her and comforts her.

A knock is heard and Seonghwa enters.

"Out," Seonghwa demands towards the two girls sitting near their leader.

"Say what?! No way, I'm leaving her here." Yurra quickly says and Elise nods in agreement.

"I'll be here, just get out and stop thinking about the past," Seonghwa assures his sister and Elise but they just glance at each other.

"It's alright... You both can leave, he'll probably give me another lecture about being careless." (Y/n) softly says and smiles.

"Something among those lines." Seonghwa flashes back a happier one.

"Fine, just beat him up with the leftover vase over there if he goes too extreme," Yurra says and walks out quickly without waiting for a reply.

(Y/n) snickers at the idea and Seonghwa glares at his sister's disappearing figure. Elise pats on (Y/n)'s back one last time and walks out.

"Now then," both the Parks said in Unison but at a totally different place.

"Where is that hoe?" Yurra cracks her knuckles.
"Let's hunt down Kwon Serena." Seonghwa cracks his neck and offers a hand to (Y/n).

-An hour later-

"Mia, Bring me the wooden table!" Yurra says as she fixes the couch cushions and sighs deeply.

"Are you sure you want to destroy your own hard work?" Elise sits on a chair and sweatdrops at how her friend has a crazy mind.

"Well, the hard work will pay off, anything for my leader," Yurra says and Mia comes in with a coffee table. She grabs it from her and places it in front of the chair where Elise was sitting.

On the other hand, in the Daredevil district, a certain duo was roaming clad in black, searching for a certain girl.

"Won't she be in the gamblers den? I mean, she loved gambling with her life." (Y/n) innocently suggests and Seonghwa looks at her in utter despair.

[Completed]LETHAL ENEMIES|| A J.Y.H MAFIA AU|| ATEEZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now