Mission 10.5 (HongRa Special)

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A/n;Requested by fam... this is based off on Yurra saying the past to hongjoong so......its a filler chapter


The house was silent compared to what happened moments ago. Yurra peacefully slept in her bed as King sat beside her with his elbows on his knees and forehead on his clasped hands, thinking about what is happening.

She was bandaged from head to toe. blood spots on all her wounds by the glass shards, especially her dominant hand's knuckles, which were skinned out due to her recklessness.

on the other hand, Yunho was on his bed too, wrapped in the bandages he hated so much on him. (Y/n) stood outside his room as a tear slipped down her eye. She came back with Seonghwa, her mission accomplished.

"It's time to really decide whether you'll die right after waking up, or live with the truth." (Y/n) said particularly to no one as she opened his door.

Back to Yurra's room, She opened her eyes and the first thing she got was the pain.

"AH WHAT THE FUCK MY BACK!!!" She whined as she screamed and Hongjoong quickly turned to her in worry.

"Oh, you are here lol." Yurra quickly changed her tone and returned to normal as if nothing happened to her.

"Was this one of your pranks again?" He asks with a deep sigh and facepalms as Yurra smiles brightly and nods.

"Though I don't feel my right knuckles so I might have a problem in doing my work." She says as she raises her hand and tries to move it but it doesn't.

"You and your recklessness, why did you even do that?!" He didn't mean to raise his voice, but he couldn't hold his frustration any longer.

She on the other hand felt pissed and grabbed his collar by her left hand and banged her head on his forehead.

"Why do you think your sister is like this? why do you think Yunho is despised by us? Why do you think I'd be stupid to Fight a man whore like him? The answer," She growled and then looked into his eyes. He noticed how broken she looked. "Your sister was heartbroken by your left-hand man! he is the reason she loses all her emotions and He is the reason why we all came to you." She bows her head and lays it on Hongjoong's neck.

A hand pats on her head and she is pulled into Hongjooong's lap with her legs on either side.

"I am sorry for not seeing all of this sooner." He says and kisses her lips. She wraps her arms around his neck and tears start falling.

"Tell me, everything." Hongjoong pulled away and hugged her. She cuddled in his arms and told everything.

"It all started with Yunho kissing Serena even though he clearly showed emotions towards (Y/n). they both were inseparable and one day he just went and kissed Serena. (Y/n) was gonna confess the same day but when she saw them, her heart broke into million pieces and Seonghwa Hyung saw everything unfold. After a while, in the school corridors, we heard a rumor of Yunho getting layed with Serena and it pissed all of us so much to the point we decided to kidnap Serena and find out the truth. Turns out she was jealous of leader being your sister, the council president's amazing sister. She was threatened by us and she took it seriously. we told her not to meet anyone of you, including Yunho, till graduation. turns out she met with Yunho after 6 months I guess. Yunho was so pissed that day that he came and furiously punched leader. they both fought and the very next day we came to you for your approval in your small gang. After that, on graduation, we saw her and Yunho together because you, Hyung, and HaHa were already graduated so I guess you weren't there. We had found out that she was a drug addict and that she used to go to clubs and get laid with other men. She took Yunho's pity back by saying she was doing it for her poor family which required money and her mother was sick and bedridden. Elise and Haneul went to check on her and they were living quite decently. We didn't say anything to Yunho and on the day we were burning our diplomas, we cried for the last time and that was how they became Lethal Enemies." 

Yurra said with a monotone as her eyes stayed fixed at a random place.

"And now, what is going on?" He softly asked her as she stayed motionless like a baby cradled in its mother's arms.

"I was supposed to kill Yunho. Me and Hyung decided that we finish this case of Stupidity. He is gone to kidnap Kwon Serena and I was supposed to kill Yunho, but I was late because you arrived. We purposefully made Mia go shopping and call you to keep you distracted. turns out Yunho is still alive, but his life is in leader's hands now." She quietly said and Hongjoong's eyes widened.

"Are you another distraction?" Hongjoong angrily asked and Yurra shook her head.

"Not at all. We are gonna wait for Yunho to wake up and then decide his faith."

"And that would be?" Hongjoong sighed in frustration.

"His belief will either save him or kill him."

Mission Incomplete...

A/n: I just realised that there have been only 2 kisses in this whole series and none of them were of the main character....

question: Will Yunho die? or survive? 

p.s: hes the main character doesnt mean he wont die....i killed yeosang in royal advisor so y cant i kill yunho?hehe

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