Who the hell?

60 4 31

Who needs him
Worthless lowlife traitor
Picture perfect problem

Katsuki hangs up the phone without a second thought. Slowly putting it down on the table he cautiously walks over to the door. Being careful of where he stepped as though some parts of the floor were pressure sensitive and would explode if stepped on wrong.

Peering through the eye hole he finds a mess of green hair standing outside. Green, just like the guy I have to protect. He quickly opens the door after straightening out his thoughts.

The short male standing outside was looking down trying to put his phone in his pocket. Somehow he couldn't fit his small phone in his big back pocket. Spinning around he finally shoves it in, and looks up to meet Katsuki's crimson eyes.

Frozen for what felt like forever, Katsuki felt drawn to the shorter's jade eyes. The spinning and changing of his iris, the dilating circle of a pupil, and specifically the refraction of the light across his whole lens.

If prison had done anything to Katsuki, it was make him more aware. Not that he wasn't aware before, but even more so now that he only saw a few people. He would focus in on specifics of each person. Like Shoya. He can recall seeing every wave and every sunset in the ocean of his eyes. Being the only guard allowed close to Katsuki's cage made a much closer connection between the two. Katsuki memorized the way he walked, the sound of his steel tipped boots making their way to give him food, even the way his breathing became quick every time he was close to the cage. Other guards always had something Katsuki remembered, but they all had their footsteps and smells embedded into the brain of this psychotic man.

The green haired male coughed lightly due to the awkward moment. Realizing that he must have been staring, Katsuki looked away and scowled. "Who the hell are you?" He murmured barely loud enough for the other to hear.

"Izuku Midoriya, I was told to come to this apartment. We're you the one looking for me?" Before Katsuki could respond, the shorter brings his index finger to his chin and begins muttering. "No that's dumb he would know who I am if he was the one who asked me to come. But then again he looks familiar from something.. maybe with this nice of an apartment he's a movie star and the person wanted me to do some weird fake dating thing with him. I mean I can see why they chose me, I wouldn't stand out at all and outshine him. If he's from a movie why doesn't he live in-"

Katsuki is fed up with this nonsense. "Jesus Christ, you talk a lot. And I'm not a movie star or actor or anyone famous. Well, I have been on tv multiple times so maybe I am considered a television star. That's beside the point though. Come on in." He steps aside and welcomes Izuku in.

Closing the door, Katsuki rushes over to the table and picks up the file, careful not to let any papers drop from it, and shoves it into a kitchen drawer. Probably one with knives or something sharp in it. He turns back to look at Izuku and sees him poking around at something large and green on a coffee table next to the sofa.

Panic spreads though his body as he realizes what it was, an exact replica of his old gauntlets. The same equipment he ended many lives with, the same tool that he destroyed on trial to try and destroy the evidence.

"What are these things?" Izuku tries picking one up but can't even lift it off the table. "They're so heavy."

"They're trash," Katsuki walks over and picks them up with ease, impressing the smaller. "Just junk I need to throw away." He begins to walk over to the trash when a paper is stuck inside of one, he pulls it out and recognizes the silver lining. Quickly shoving it back in he puts them next to the trash and walks back over to the sofa where Izuku was already sitting down. "Someone told you to come here?"

"Yeah, my friend told me she wanted to meet me here to explain something. But it seems she isn't here yet." Izuku looks down and readjusts the pillow behind his back so he can sit straighter up, probably because he didn't want to dwindle in comparison to the elder.

Katsuki perked up a little bit internally at the friend and her being female bit of information. No it's not because he's into girls, but because the packet of information stated that he knew Mina. "And this friend of yours, what is her name?"

"Ashido. I don't know why she wanted to explain herself here, but she is. Sorry if I sound angry, I don't mean to be annoying especially at your residency." He bows his head a little and Katsuki is taken back. No one has bowed to him in 5 years, if not more.

"Really? You're bowing because you think your annoying? Pathetic little shit. How has Ash been? I haven't seen her in a while." Unfortunately none of his friends could visit him. He got a single visit from his sister while he was there, and even that didn't last long. He got about 3 phone calls in total, all within the first 2 months. To say he was lonely is an understatement.

Izuku straightens himself out from the bow, "sorry. I'm just usually unintentionally annoying and I don't want to make a bad impression on a stranger. May I ask how you know Mi-Ashido?"

Katsuki, at this moment, has a large realization. The phone call earlier... that was Izuku. The womanly man who yelled at him through the phone during a misunderstanding, that was the man sitting in front of him. He couldn't scare him the same way as before so he skillfully crafts up a lie in his head. "We're siblings, but I moved out to America and haven't seen her in a while. A little over 5 years. Hope she didn't get that spray tan she was wanting to get." He chuckles a little to pull through on the partial lie.

"That's funny. I used to go over to her house a lot when we were younger, how come I never saw you?" Oo this green eyed monster knows something's up, he can tell a lie from a mile away.

"You never came over. I have been lied to enough to know that that's a lie. And I also have never seen you before." Caught red handed. That little munchkin will have to try harder next time. But that time will have to wait, for another mysterious knock resounded through the apartment.

Hello. Please say hi back, I'm lonely. (From the future: I'm not that lonely now that there's been comments :D)

Well I'm kinda bored and this is fun so I'm doing this. Who's ready to have some fun with villains?


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