You left me in Hell

60 4 15

Just one big issue
Psychotic anger issued brat
Never should have persisted

Katsuki stands up and walks over to the door, still cautious of where he steps. Probably from his training and constant berating of his lack of carefulness.

Opening the door, the blond stands frozen while looking at someone. That someone being a raccoon-eyed, pink freak who has those crazy horns on her head. She squeals and jumps on him, hugging him tightly. "Your back, your back, your back!! I didn't believe at first but it's true! I can't believe they let you out. Tell me everything." Her high pitched voice had gotten higher, and she's a little bit heavier since the last time she jumped on him, but it's her.

"I'm surprised you still remember me, since you never bothered to call. Even Denki's dumbass called me. And I will tell you everything when I don't have company over, sis." Mina moved off him and looks at the couch at the green headed man, she nods in understanding and walks over to the couch.

"How could you do this to me, Mina? You lied to me for so long." His voice begins to crack and Katsuki hates it. Such a nice voice being broken just from a lie? Makes his blood boil. "I thought we were friends, but clearly you only used me." He begins to sniff trying to keep his tears at bay.

She envelopes the smaller male in a warm hug. "I'm so sorry, Izu. I never wanted you to find out like that, and I really wanted to tell you. But how am I supposed to tell you when everywhere we go there's always someone there to take me away? Even you would have taken me away." She buries her head in the greenettes chest, crying a little and getting his shirt wet.

Katsuki leans against a wall watching the interaction, studying it, predicting the next move, entranced in this unwinnable game of chess. Piecing together where the pieces are on the board, being blindfolded he's taking guesses at where they could be, no control over their movements.

"Of course I would have taken you away, y-you're a villain! A dangerous one who's killed people!" His eyes prick with those tears he was keeping away, suddenly with a loud cry he falls to his knees and hugs her. The two crying together in a small ball. The sight made Katsuki sick to his stomach. Never the biggest fan of affection, isolation only made that worse.

The uncomfortable Katsuki became annoyed at their love, so he stage coughed. A loud gruff cough that resonated throughout the apartment, settling in the ears of the two broken down childlike adults. They looked at him as his emotionless face began to have a strong annoyed look spreading across it, a scowl plastering itself on his lips. "You two done yet?"

Izuku sniffs and pulls away from her, sitting back down on the couch, "yeah. I'm sorry, mr Ashido. I'm being disrespectful in your home." He bows his head to him again, such a weird sight. And the name began to burn a hole within him, the devil himself couldn't stand a chance against the flame beginning to ignite in the stoic man. An urge to just strangle the smaller man until he knew his proper name, to choke him into understanding.

Mina, knowing the look Katsuki adorns, quickly gets up and walks over to the kitchen. "How about some tea? Izuku are you okay with tea?" A small nod was all she got in response, and she began to boil some water. She walks up to Katsuki and puts a hand on his shoulder, whispering into his ear. "Don't even think about it Kat, I got a letter too, so don't mess it up." A huff out of the taller is all she gets in response. Taking what she got, she walks back over to the tea kettle and pours it into a pot, and grabbing some cups. Placing them all on a tray she walks back over to the couch and pats the spot next to her, hoping Katsuki got the message to sit down.

"Thank you Mina..." the small green head muttered out, grabbing a cup he pours himself some tea and blows on it lightly.

"Look Izuku, I know you'll never fully forgive me. But all I'm asking is that you don't turn me in. I haven't even stolen or done anything illegal in months. Well, besides a bit of drugs with friends, but you knew about that. And my brother Katsu is here, he always hated me for doing that stuff so he can keep me in line. I promise you, I'll stop. I'll quit the whole thing. Just let me be your friend, and don't turn me in." Katsuki, once again, hated the name. But it at least was better than saying his actual name, it's bad enough Izuku thinks he looks familiar, it would be hell if he knew his name.

Katsuki looks over at Izuku's face for a moment, and can't read his expression. It appears to be a mix of sympathy, anger, sadness, and one other thing that Katsuki has never seen before. "I forgive you." Izuku spoke quietly. "I won't turn you in, only if you promise, PROMISE me that if you do end up doing anything in the future, you tell me first." Mina quickly nods and hugs him again.

"I promise! Thank you Izuku." Her shrill voice makes Katsuki cringe again.

A stark contrast from the feminine voices of theirs, Katsuki speaks up and interrupts them, "Could you be less annoying Ash-Mina?" He stumbled over her name, well shit. He can't call her Ash, they have the same last name! He tried ignoring it and keep talking, "Seriously, your voice got higher and more annoying these past years."

Mina looks appalled, "how dare you! I am not annoying!" She would have kept arguing with the blond of a certain green haired shorty didn't pick up on the slip up.

"Mr Ashido, what did you say your occupation was?" Well shit.

Hello those like 2-3 people reading

I must thank suav1mvkg for commenting a lot and making me happy that I'm writing. Thank you.

And thanks to all the others reading this book!

Until next time!

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