How the hell do I lie?

76 3 71

Probably should just die already
Nobody wants him here anymore
Society's worst nightmare comes back

(A/N: I just realized I never stated it, but Katsuki changed into some of the clothes he found in the apartment and is no longer in his prison orange jumpsuit.)

"Mr Ashido, what did you say your occupation was?" Well shit. Katsuki knew he couldn't tell the truth, but he's already messed up. Mina wouldn't be much help since they 'haven't seen each other in 5 years' so it wouldn't make sense for her to know.

"I worked for Facebook while I lived in America. I got a vacation approved by my boss so now I'm home." Katsuki knows he must have sounded like he was lying, Mina breathed in disappointedly and cringed a little once he said his 'job'.

Izuku chucked at his answer and Katsuki got a little nervous. "That's odd, I thought Facebook went bankrupt and fired everyone 3 years ago." Damn it. Katsuki doesn't change his facial features and rather remains quite unfazed, on the outside at least. On the inside he's yelling at himself.

'Damn it! Come up with a lie! Think you stupid piece of shit! "I work for a smaller branch, the money didn't come in large amounts to us anyway so we weren't that affected by it." He's probably not going to believe this anyway, just change the subject! Ash you better do something fast!

"Oh, that makes sense? I guess. So how'd you afford a nice apartment like this?" He fluffs the little pillow on his lap.

Mina finally spoke up, "I think that's enough questions, Katsu probably had a long flight." To be honest Katsuki finally was getting a rhythm of these lies. He had already thought of one for the question.

"A few questions won't do that much harm, I made a wealthy friend while I was in The States, he had this apartment as a summer place since his grandparents live around here." He smoothly said, and some of the guards at the prison did talk to him sometimes. Shoya told him about the US, he grew up in a small city in Michigan before moving to Japan and fulfilling his families duty for him.

Izuku nodded slowly then mumbled something under his breath, "Katsu Ashido, looks around 23, lived in America, worked for a bankrupt company, here for vacation, probably not the best person to be with considering he has a long tattoo up his arm and probably more around his body, holes in his ears from closed up piercings, disheveled and unkempt hair, definitely should get out of here..." Katsuki just sat there, listening to his rant about his appearance, pinching at the ends of his grown out hair.

"You done, nerd? If you're going to leave just leave, I didn't invite you here. You already made up with A-Mina, you can go." He almost messed up on the name again, this'll be harder than he planned.

Izuku stands up and sets the pillow back on the couch, the he bows again causing Katsuki to cringe again. "Thank you for having me Mr. Ashido. I'll take my leave now." He stands back up and heads for the door. But little did Katsuki know, Izuku spotted a small ID card next to the door, and while he put his shoes back on, he picked it up and slid it into his pocket. Standing up, he looks at Mina, "I'll see you at work Mina!" And he was gone through the door, closing it softly as he went.

And that's the chapter. Very short, I know. I love you all!

Until next ti-

What was that? Uhh no we didn't schedule for it to be longer than-

Okay. Uh huh. Got it.

So this chapter shall continue thanks to Mr. Rabbit. Please comment your gratitude for it not being a 600 word chapter.

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