Actual Hell

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Insanity is what drives my life
Who defines what wrong and right
This is my life, not yours

Thrashing around, the restraints hold firm. Years of training and becoming stronger, all to be stuck powerless at the mercy of a few civilians. Helpless and useless, tied down by a few links of metal, cries of insanity escape his lips as thoughts of impossibilities creep into his thoughts.

Convinced he's better than these chains, he pulls against them roughly. The clattering of them breaking against the floor startle everyone, it becomes dead silent. Standing up, his eyes grow wide and twitch as visions of the future flash through his mind. Quickly armored men and women burst through the room, he looks back at them and laughs. He lurches his body forward towards the stand, a judge quickly gets up and ducks under their desk. He looks at a table and sees them. Quickly before these armored men catch him, he swings his arm towards it. His limp hand manages to flick sweat towards it. A large explosion resounds through the building as it crashes into the evidence table.




Three clicks..

The third lock clicks into place as the new restraints envelop him, a mere teen, a new adult, muzzled and restrained like an animal. Which I guess they all thought he was, just a beast being reprimanded for it's messed up life. Katsuki couldn't think of anything more inhuman than chaining up and muzzling someone, keeping him publicly humiliated, showing his face to the world. Showing them that this is what happens when someone breaks the law and disobeys. He's just a puppet to terrify other villains.

"The defendant is pleading innocent... even though there are several eye witness accounts and personal accounts of his misdeeds... his defending statement, "I dare ya to put me away. I. Dare. Ya." Written with a y and a. We shall proceed with the prosecution.." Katsuki was given a lawyer, he didn't want one, he can speak for himself. That is, if he wasn't muzzled into silence.

"My first witness, is Mrs. Inko Midoriya. She was on the other side of the explosion, we are lucky to have her here with us today, we almost lost her, but she feels up to the task of standing as a witness." The lawyer smirks at Katsuki, a silent how are you going to get away with a victim testifying?

A small plump woman is wheelchaired to the witness stand, her left eye bandaged up and her hospital gown flowing up a little from the silent draft. Nothing showed but she put a casted hand over it, showing her injuries to the jury, providing more proof of almost death.

Once she is up at the mic, the lawyer begins his questions. "Mrs. Midoriya, where were you at the time of the incident?"

Her raspy voice quietly goes through the microphone, "I was buying my son a new book bag for college, on the corner of First and Washinabi I heard a shout and turned around. I saw a flash of orange and suddenly the lamp post was falling towards me. I saw his face in a devilish smirk as he approached me." Her breath was shortening and her eyes panicked.

The lawyer noticed and called over a small cat to be placed in her lap. She immediately started petting it, smelling its head slightly, calming her down. "Sorry, it was very traumatic." She pauses and closes her eyes a moment, opening them she looks directly at Katsuki. "Zero's hand reached over me, almost at my face as I saw it start to glow. I thought it was over for me, if it weren't for a hero I would have been toast, literally..." she chuckles a little, but nobody is joking now.

Katsuki stared right at Inko after that, his smirk returning as he jerks around in the restraints again. A guard next to him zaps him with a taser, not enough to make him pass out, but enough to shock him into submission. Katsuki growls lowly at the guard and another shock rings through his body, his arms become limp and he looks down. A guard bends down to check his pulse, he tries biting at the guard, unfortunately the muzzle he was wearing kept him from doing so.

"Thank you Mrs. Midoriya, next the prosecution would like to bring to the stand the hero who saved her, Shoto. Please come testify." Katsuki stares wide eyed at the heterochromatic hero as he approaches the stand. He had once met Shoto at a school function, the students of UA were looking for other students to encourage them to transfer. Shoto had been an ambassador and sent to Katsuki's school. A year ahead of him and he acted so posh, Katsuki wanted to blow the smirk off the kids face back then.

When the two toned man sat down, he took the oath and took out a printed picture of Katsuki trapped in ice an explosion frozen in that ice. Aiming to kill Shoto, but he was faster. Katsuki gulped a bit, but the lawyer's smirk just grew and grew. "Can I just say, thank you Shoto for all of your hard work in keeping the city safe, I'm a big fan of yours."

Shoto simply leans forward a bit and speaks softly, "thank you." His expression remaining blank as a few flashes of cameras shutter from the back of the court room.

"Can you tell us your story of the event?" The lawyer asks, straightening out the papers in his folder labeled Shoto.

"Yes I can. I was on my way home from patrolling, I had just caught the villain twice, my patrol report and partner can attest to that. Then I noticed a lamp post falling, I quickly shot ice up and kept it from falling on a woman. That's when I saw Ground Zero about to explode her, I quickly run and shoved her out of the way, creating an ice shield to protect us from the blast." His voice remains monotone, lacking all emotion. "Ground Zero seemed to be targeting the specific citizen, so I put my all into protecting her, like any hero would in the situation. Eventually I froze him mid-explosion." He holds the picture up, "this is an unedited photo taken from the scene, I got it from the forensics team during the arrest. He attempted to take a civilian's life and my own, if that's not enough to lock him away, then I don't know why I spoke here at all." He looks at Katsuki and the slightest hint of a smile appears on his face.

The growling blond is angry.

Not just angry, furious. That's not what happened, it's not how he got taken down. He deserves to be heard. They can't take a two faced hero and only take his word. Katsuki deserves to speak what truly happened, she's not an innocent civilian, they can't only take the 'good' side of the story. But his muzzle won't be coming off any time soon.

The judge calls a meeting and the jury exits the room, barely any time later they come back, one still standing, his pink hair spiking up similar to Katsuki's. His voice rings throughout the court room, breaking the silence that shrouded them, "by unanimous decision, we find the defendant guilty." Katsuki growls louder, almost barking at the man and his stupid white scarf.

The judge then stands, "then he shall be sentenced to maximum security Tartarus, for a stay of life for the attempted murder, an extra 10 years for behavioral problems, and an extra 40 years of community service heavily supervised for his damages caused to the city and its residents." He stomps his gavel, and the sound echoes through Katsuki's ears.

Echoing into his soul, etching itself in his life forever.

Three knocks.

Three knocks.

Katsuki sits up immediately, sending an explosion towards the window, blowing up the glass pane. Breathing heavily he holds his chest, ripping off his shirt and throwing it to the side, brushing his hands through his hair, pulling it. He's sweating too much, he's not cold, he's not in a cage.

That's when he hears it again, three knocks. He looks towards his bedroom doorway, suddenly hearing a "Open up or we're breaking in!" He jumps up shaking himself off, trying to shake the thoughts of his memories away, get rid of the thoughts, and you'll be fine, you've always been fine, they only called you insane because they're weaker than you. Be strong, prove them wrong, don't be a freak. His thoughts swirling he falls on the floor while walking to the door.

Right as his head was about to explode he looks at the door being punched through by a rock, no. Not a rock, a hand as hard as a rock. Eijirou..

And he passes out again.

Hey bitches, guess who actually finished a chapter finally? Yeah, I probably could have made a better effort to put this out earlier, sorry.

My mental health was kinda in decline, still somewhat is, but I'm fine, I'll be fine, I've always been fine. So don't worry.

Until next time!

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