Bloody hell, what happened?

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Don't apologize for being your weird self
How do you stay sane after that?
What defines a hero and a villain

Eijirou slaps Katsuki for the 7th time, muttering faint, "didn't know you were this happy to see us," and chuckling a bit after. Katsuki groans a bit, and punches at him, luckily missing Eijirou's beautiful face, but hitting Denki right in the nose. Eijirou looks at Denki and begins laughing.

"What the fuck, bro? Don't punch someone when they're taking care of you! That's just common curtsy." He holds his nose and quickly pushes it back into place, upon hearing the snap he crosses his arms and pouts at the older man.

Katsuki's eyes snap open, he sits up quickly and looks at the two dumbasses who were inspecting him. "The hell? What happened?" He holds his head after a splitting headache erupts in it from sitting up too quickly.

"Mina told us you were back in town and we figured we'd stop by, ask how prison was, catch up a bit. And then you passed out, I broke your door and sorry about the slaps," he chuckles and smiles at him. "And then you broke Denks nose for the billionth time."

"Which still hurts every time by the way!" He holds his sleeve to his nose, to catch any remains of blood that could fall from it. When he figured it was safe, he took his hand down and smiled at the blond. "Anyway, get up. Tell us how it went, we heard you got bailed out by some rich guy. Mina told us he wanted you to do some bodyguard thing secretly, but we weren't sure if she was kidding or not, I mean, you protecting someone? Like that would ever happen, am I right?" He laughs a bit.

The blond groans again and rubs his face, grimacing when he could move his hands freely. "It would happen, Charger, and it is happening. And if it means I can stay out of that hell, I'm doing it." He stands up, gripping the table and leaning on it while his headache subsides. 

Eijirou quickly got up and went to get him a glass of water, coming back he hands it to the blond, "here, you look in pain. Was prison really that bad?" 

Katsuki drinks a bit and explodes the glass on accident, shattering the pieces everywhere, making small cuts on his arms and neck, as well as Denki's arms. "Shit. Bloody hell, it was the worst thing possible. I couldn't even take a piss without someone watching me. The toilet wasn't even in the cell, they had to move it in for me to take a shit. Not that I ate enough to shit half the time."

"Damn," Denki says as he wipes the blood off his arms onto his pants. "Your drinking game must be off as hell now, come on you're going to the bar with us tonight."

Eijirou smacks him on the back of his head lightly, "dude we can't take him out drinking, he can't even hold a stupid glass of water!" He yells a bit too loudly and Katsuki flinches. 

"He has a point.." Katsuki groans out, "But relaxing at a bar would be nice. I need to start work soon though."

"Ew, work. You just got released from prison and you're going to work for someone before you work for yourself? Come on man, don't tell me you got boring on us. We can't do big shit without our main man. It'll be a great welcome back to the city." Denki complains, such a whiner. 

"All right, all right, I'll go to the bar. But I haven't been here in a few years so, would you gays help me pick out an outfit?" Katsuki asks kind of shy, trying not to yell ferociously at his old friends. 

Eijirou blushes slightly, "Awww is the big bad boom boom boy asking for help? That's so cute!" He coos. 

"Shut up Shitty Hair. I'll blow your face off if you do that again." Knowing he's serious, Eijirou steps back. 

"Okay okay, jeez. You let Mina do it all the time, why can't I?" 

"Because Ash is a little sister to me and you're a shitty-haired orphan who shares a brain cell with the other shitty-haired orphan." He points to Denki and he just shrugs. 

"He's not wrong," Denki points out. 

Eijirou begins to pout and just looks away from the explosive blond. Muttering little stings of curses along the lines of, "best bros don't bully best bros." "When did you get so mean?" and "if you wanna pick favorites go ahead and pick the girl, I understand." He crosses his arms and leans against the table. 

"Big baby, do you need me to hold you? Or do you want to go steal some more candy?" Denki offers the redhead. But he just shakes his head and fully sits on the table. 

"Get your thick ass off my table. I haven't even eaten off of it yet." He shoves him off, a bit rough, and causes Eijirou to fall completely to the ground. But the villains were used to this treatment, being roughed up was in the job description. 

Eijirou stands up and picks up a piece of paper that was laying on the ground, "hey bro, who's 'The Rabbit'?" 

Katsuki grabs the paper from his hands, "my boss." This just caused the single-celled man to laugh uncontrollably. He just shrugs it off and reads the paper. 

Dear Mr. Zero,

   As I am sure you're aware from reading the folder I sent you, Izuku Midoriya works as an author at a publishing company that produces many articles about heroes and villains alike. It is important that you look your best when attending work tomorrow, you will be meeting him for the first time and it is imperative that you become friends. 

   He is a very sociable person so if you are his friend you can stay next to him and protect him. So be on your best behavior for your introduction. Please note the false ID next to your door. 

The Rabbit

Ugh, Katsuki has to look presentable. "Change of plans guys, I need a nice outfit. Apparently, I need good clothes for meeting this guy." 

Denki smiled, this was his calling, he gets to dress up Katsuki in whatever he wanted because he knew the blond had no idea what was in style right now, and what wasn't. This was going to be fun.

That's it for now. I do apologize for taking so long to update this, I was focused on my new book a lot. Which you should all totally check out, it is BakuDeku as well, and it has some drama and rare pairs and multishipper heartbreaking events. Or at least it will if I can update it to that point.

au revoir my glorious readers

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