Chapter 2: The Search Begins

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The following morning, the air was crisp with the promise of a new day as Sebastian and Samantha emerged from their house. They made their way to the driveway, where a 2009 Ford Escape—an SUV with a slightly worn exterior but reliable engine—waited for them. With determined expressions, they climbed in: Samantha took the wheel while Sebastian settled into the passenger seat.

"I was thinking," Samantha began, adjusting the rearview mirror, "we could start by checking Abby's old neighborhood in Lombard. She lived there from birth until she was three, so it might be a good place to start."

"Sounds like a plan," Sebastian replied, nodding. "We could also swing by Yorktown Mall. It's not far, and she might be there."

Samantha agreed with a smile and started the engine. The drive to Lombard was smooth, and within 39 minutes, they arrived at Yorktown Mall, a bustling shopping center in the heart of the suburb. They found a parking spot near the northwestern entrance, close to the outdoor stores.

"We'll start with the outdoor stores before heading inside," Samantha suggested as they exited the SUV.

"Agreed," Sebastian said, adjusting his jacket as they walked towards the outdoor section.

They wandered between the stores, their eyes scanning every passerby. Despite their efforts, they didn't spot Abby. Frustration started to creep in, but Samantha's optimism didn't waver.

"No luck here. She's probably inside the mall," Samantha said, her tone still hopeful.

"Let's head in and check," Sebastian replied, his gaze already fixed on the entrance.

The interior of Yorktown Mall was a vibrant maze of shops spread over two levels. The lower level buzzed with activity, while the upper level offered a quieter atmosphere. Samantha and Sebastian decided to start their search on the upper level.

They explored every store, from clothing boutiques to specialty shops, but Abby remained elusive. They even stopped by Sports Authority, intrigued by the sports memorabilia but still finding no sign of her.

"Sports Authority was cool—lots of Bulls, Blackhawks, Cubs, and White Sox gear," Sebastian mused. "Though, I'm disappointed there wasn't any Green Bay Packers stuff."

Samantha chuckled, shaking her head. "We'll have better luck if we keep looking. Maybe JCPenney will have something."

They made their way to JCPenney and combed through the store's departments. Despite their best efforts, Abby was nowhere to be found. Growing weary, they decided to check the lower level of the mall.

"Guess she's not here," Sebastian said with a sigh, scanning the bustling area.

Samantha nodded in agreement. "Maybe the stores in the mini mall nearby will have better luck. It's worth a shot."

The two exited Yorktown Mall, returned to the SUV, and set off toward the nearby mini mall, hopeful that their search might be more fruitful.

Fifteen miles west, in the town of Aurora, Abby wandered through the Fox Valley Mall. Her heart ached with the hope that, against all odds, her son might be there. Despite the storm that had presumed him lost, the lack of confirmation had kept a glimmer of hope alive in her heart.

"Come on, please be here," Abby murmured to herself as she entered the mall, her eyes scanning the crowds with a mix of desperation and hope.

She moved through the various sections of the mall, carefully checking each store and kiosk. Her search proved fruitless, and after hours of looking, she felt the weight of her exhaustion settling in.

Abby sighed, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "I'll try again tomorrow," she said softly, her voice barely audible over the hum of the mall's background noise.

Even though the day had ended without the reunion she had hoped for, both Sebastian and Abby carried with them the promise of another chance. Tomorrow would bring new opportunities, and with it, the possibility of finding each other.

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