Chapter 21: Sebastian and Kenzie's Birthdays, The Opportunist aka Jill

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The new week had arrived, and with it, the much-anticipated Starbound competition in Grayslake. The team was gearing up for their usual group performance, with Maddie and Mackenzie preparing solos and Chloe and Paige set for a duet. But a wrench was thrown into the plans when Kelly announced that Paige would be out for four to six weeks due to a foot injury, leaving the duet partner spot open.

Despite the looming competition, excitement buzzed in the air as Abby and Melissa had something special planned. With Sebastian's tenth birthday falling the next day and Mackenzie's birthday having been just two days prior, the two were set for a combined celebration. Abby and Melissa had organized a double birthday bash for them, and Sebastian was about to join the double-digit club.

"Okay, before we go anywhere, we need to put these blindfolds on you," Abby announced as she and Melissa handed out the fabric.

"Just wondering, what's going on?" Mackenzie asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's a surprise," Melissa replied with a playful smile.

"All righty then," Mackenzie said, adjusting the blindfold over her eyes.

Abby helped Sebastian with his blindfold, and once everyone was set, they piled into Abby's Escalade. The drive was short but filled with giggles and excited whispers. When the car stopped, Abby and Melissa led the blindfolded kids out, guiding them towards their surprise.

"Now can we take off the blindfolds?" Mackenzie asked impatiently.

"Go ahead," Abby and Melissa instructed in unison.

As the blindfolds were lifted, Sebastian and Mackenzie were greeted with a chorus of "SURPRISE!" from their friends and family. Both children's eyes widened in amazement as they took in the scene before them. The venue was a stunning performing arts building—the Chicago Center for the Performing Arts—complete with a terrace that boasted a breathtaking view of the Chicago skyline. Inside, a grand table awaited them, divided into two distinct sections.

The left side was adorned with Mackenzie's favorite colors—pink, white, and black. There was a pink and white cake, surrounded by an array of her favorite candies and balloons. On the right side, Sebastian's section was a tribute to his favorite hockey team, the Chicago Blackhawks, featuring red and black balloons, a Blackhawks-themed cake, and his preferred sweets. Above the table, a banner read, "Happy Birthday Sebastian and Mackenzie!"

The entire ALDC family was there, including Samantha, who had been specially invited by Abby. The sight of so many familiar faces, all there to celebrate, made both children's hearts swell with joy.

"What do you think?" Abby asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"This is awesome!" Sebastian exclaimed, his voice full of excitement.

"What he said!" Mackenzie agreed, her face lit up with a huge smile as her mom and Abby's hug enveloped them.

"Glad you like it. We planned this with a lot of care, and everyone chipped in to make it special," Abby said with a proud smile.

"We sure did," Melissa echoed. With that, the party kicked off. Dawn, the ALDC's photographer, began snapping photos, capturing every moment of joy and laughter. There was a designated photo section, and Sebastian and Mackenzie were the stars of the day, getting their pictures taken with everyone who attended.

Sebastian and Mackenzie found themselves seated at a table with Brooke Kosinski, a cheerful 10-year-old with brown hair and eyes who was Mackenzie's friend. Brooke had met Sebastian when he joined the team in October, and they had quickly become friends. They chatted with Hollie Kosinski, Brooke's mother, as they enjoyed the festivities.

The party was a whirlwind of laughter, dancing, and birthday cheer. The highlight was the rendition of "Happy Birthday" sung for both Sebastian and Mackenzie, their friends and family joining in to make it truly memorable. Sebastian danced with many of the female dancers and their moms, and as the evening drew to a close, the party finally came to an end. It was a special occasion, marking the first birthday celebration Sebastian had shared with Abby since their reunion.

The next day, the Dancer's Den was abuzz with activity. Sebastian, now a decade old, walked in with a grin on his face. Paige was sitting on one of the benches, scribbling something in her notebook.

"Hey, Paigey," Sebastian greeted with a cheerful wave.

"Hey, Seb," Paige replied, looking up. "How's the birthday boy?"

"Enjoying it. Mom took me out for breakfast before we came to the studio," Sebastian said, sitting down beside her.

"That sounds nice."

"Yeah. I was really looking forward to seeing you and Chloe perform your duet. I hope your foot heals soon so you two can do it another time," Sebastian said sympathetically.

"Thanks, Seb," Paige replied, giving him a small, grateful smile.

As they talked, Kendall and Jill entered the studio. Jill's expression was one of concern, while Kendall looked apprehensive.

"It's broke and I'm out for four to six weeks," Paige said with a hint of frustration.

"Four to six weeks? That's tough," Jill remarked, genuinely sympathetic.

"Good luck on your recovery," Kendall said as she and Jill moved into Studio B.

"Paige, Abby mentioned you had a duet with Chloe, and since you can't do it, have they decided who will replace you?" Jill asked, her tone laced with a hint of expectation.

"Jill, really?" Sebastian interjected, rolling his eyes as he stood up. "Can you not?"

Jill's face turned a bit red, but she pressed on. "Well, they haven't said yet, but maybe Kendall could step in."

"Jill, you've got to understand," Sebastian said as he walked towards the front desk where Abby was stationed. "You left the studio and jumped ship to our rival. That's not something we forget easily."

"Sebastian is right," Abby said firmly. "You can't just come back and expect things to be the same."

"I know it was a mistake," Jill admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "But I really want Kendall to have another chance. She was in class last night, while some of the other girls weren't."

"You're mistaken," Sebastian shouted, his frustration evident. "The Hyland kids were in class, and they came last night. So don't try to play this card."

"Yes," Abby agreed as Kelly came downstairs. "Why are you asking Paige about replacements?"

"I didn't ask Paige. I—" Jill started to deny.

"You did ask Paige," Sebastian insisted. "I heard you. You should have discussed it with us moms before trying to insert Kendall into the slot."

Kelly nodded in agreement. "Exactly. You need to go through the proper channels."

The argument between Kelly and Jill grew heated until Sebastian, exasperated, used his airhorn to cut through the noise, demanding silence.

"Enough!" Abby declared. "Since there's no avoiding this, we'll have Kendall in the duet. But I want everyone to be clear—this is not about favoritism. It's about making the best decision for the team."

Jill's face brightened with satisfaction, though Abby and Sebastian remained guarded.

The following weekend was a flurry of activity. Maddie and Chloe had flown to Atlanta to film scenes for Drop Dead Diva. Back at the competition, Maddie won 1st place in the junior division, Mackenzie secured 2nd in the junior petite division, Chloe and Kendall clinched 1st in the junior duet/trio, and the group took 1st in the junior small groups. It was a triumphant weekend for the ALDC, despite the recent upheavals.

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