
632 15 4

Sydney, Australia

Me and Rose got settled in our new house. We were sad because we were going to different high schools. But at least we live in the same house. Suho and Baekhyun goes to my school but in another class. Today is our first days of school. Schools here actually starts 2 weeks later than Korea schools. So we were right in time.

I had to walk alone to my my new school. Thank god I know English. I was born in Australia. Then when I was 5, I moved to Korea and met BTS. I arrived at my school. I found the principal's office and got my timetable. I arrived at my class 10 minutes late.

Me- Hello. I am a new student.

Teacher- Why don't you introduce yourself.

Me- My name is Y/n and I am from Korea.

Teacher- Ok, Jeongin, raise your hand. Y/n, go sit next to him.

I looked at Jeongin and sat next to him.

Jeongin- Hello, I'm from Korea too!

Me- Really! That's nice to hear!

Jeongin- Let's be friends!

Me- Sure!


Jeongin showed me school. He invited me to sit with him and his friends.

???- Hey Innie! Who is this?

I.N.- Meet our new friend, Y/n!

I introduced myself, then they introduced themselves.

???-Bang Chan

???- Minho

???- Changbin

???- Hyunjin


???- Felix


All- We are known as Stray Kids.

I feel welcomed.

(Woojin is CANCELLED. Idk if you heard the rumors about him. OT8!)
BTS pov.


We miss her so much. She blocked us on social media and messages. We still have her pictures, even though Tzuyu told us to delete it. I guess we weren't true friends to her. If we ever see her again, we will continue to say sorry.

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