5- The rampage of the Witch

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Some hours passed until we reached England. During the travel everything was fine, without any mess or trouble, well, except if we count as a trouble being hit by some seagulls.

However, when we were above a village called Boscastle, June started to act weird and squirm.

-What's happening to her!?- Peridot asked shocked.

-Oh no, the Enchantress is trying to gain control. Fight June! I will give you some holy water!- I said tacking out a bottle.

However, before I could open it, she said "Enchantress". Suddenly her eyes shined in green and launched to us an attack that send us to the ground. I was able to stop myself while Peridot used jet boots to make a safe landing.

We landed in the middle of the Boscastle village, who was a very small and quiet village. It was surrounded by some hills and the building were small. The people looked at us very surprised.

-Are you OK Peridot?- I asked.

-Yes, I am fine- Peridot said.

-Where did she go!?- I said while looking to the sky.

-Let me see if I can find her with my scan. I added to my limn enhancers in case that we will be searching for someone or something that irradiates some kind of energy- Peridot said making a hologram and pressing some things on it.

-Mew said that she felt a weird and dark presence when her monsters of wizards were close to her, besides they can hide their presence for her. Give it a try anyway- I said, while around us to be surprised by an attack.

The people looked at us very surprised, some confused, some angry and others worried.

-Excuse me Water Angel, but what are you doing here? It is going to be a fight?- an elder man asked me.

-Well, citizen, I think that it will be. Please remain call and remain calm. If anything happens call the police and/or the military and take shelter in your homes- I said, trying to not alarm them.

If they panic, the Enchantress could make a massacre in just matter of seconds or attack us with a great advantage. Lucky for me, the people was reasonable. Well, most of them.

-You Avengers of the Justice not do nothing but trouble! I will call the police to arrest you cuz you are fugitives of the justice and not accepted to be under the law and the supervision of the UN! How we can trust some weird people with power but without control!?- a young angry woman yelled in front of me.

I remained calmed, besides in angered me a little bit and some of her saliva splatted in my face.

-Lady, first of all, we respect the law. Second, we approve and support every government or country that wants to have a super hero or super human team to keep peace and defend their countries and the world for any menace, als that we support any super human that wants to protect their country. However, we don't support the Registration Act, since a lot of super heroes have normal lives and exposing them or having them in a base data could be dangerous for them and their families and friends. Third, the governments have agendas, all the governments are corrupted at some level, and all the governments are controlled by secret societies with their own interest that don't care for the people, so we, the Avengers of the Justice, will not be under control of any government that could use us to support their agendas, oppress the people or make us not help the people- I said.

The woman remained quiet. Good thing that I could reason with her. The Americans, especially the young ones, are very hard to reason. Their ignorance made them very easy to manipulate.

-Found it! The Enchantress emits some weird energy that I can track. She isn't so far from here, but there are more signals appearing in her position!- Peridot said.

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