9- A bald of water for the Hellblazer

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We reached Liverpool in no time and entered to a bar called "The Cavern Club", a bar offering 1960s memorabilia and brick-vaulted cellars. We entered at the bar, convincing the guard that Peridot was an adult. The bar was full of people with an unknown rock music and the smell of cigarrete and alcohol in the air, giving to the place an strange atmosphere that I found cozy. Some people looked at me surprised. Being an Avenger of the Justice surely attracts the attention of the people, including the unwanted ones.

-So, who is this John Constantine guy?- Veronica asked while seeing to everyone.

-Hey!- a man shouted.

I looked around and found a blonde man with fortysomething years, white, of short hair, blue eyes, wearing black pants, back shoes, a beige coat, a white shirt with a red tie. The man looked drunk and his clothes were very untidy. The blonde man was holding a female waitress from the arm.

-Another one...- the blonde man said drunk.

-Another what?- the woman asked annoyed.

-Another anything love...- the blonde man said drunk.

-Sir...?- a male bartender said politely.

-Constantine, John Constantine- Constantine said.

-He is our man- I said walking toward him.

-Sir Constantine, I am afraid that you have drink a lot- the bar tender said.

Constantine looked pissed and was about to answer brutally to the man but then he saw us and freed the woman. Confused, he blinked many times.

-I think you are right mate- Constantine said confused.

-John Constantine, we need your help- I said.

-Oh, so you aren't a hallucination? Good- Constantine said relieved.

-My name is...- I said.

-I know who you are my dear. You are that Water Angel from the Avengers of the Justice. Good group of super heroes. Not useless like others. Your leader, the Mexican boy, Abelardou, is quite of annoying by his blind trust in God and that kind of stuff, always keeping optimistic on the hardest circumstances and always fighting for lost causes and with no chance to win, being ridiculous at moments. *Sigh* That kind of people are the ones that this bloody world needs the most. So, what the Avengers of the Justice need from me?- Constantine said tacking a cigarrete, turning it on and starting to smoke.

-We need your help on an exorcism- I said.

-An exorcism!? Why you don't ask Mew for that?- Constantine said while smoking.

-Mew isn't here on Earth right now and we don't know when she will return- Peridot.

-Mmmm...- Constantine said thinking –you made me somewhat hungry. Bartender! A big bunch of Doritos! You will want something?-

-Maybe a whisk- I said taking sit.

I was tired. I needed to relax. All that bullshit and pain that the Enchantress caused was overwhelming me.

-Here you go- the bartender said giving me a cup of whisky and bowl full of Doritos.

I drank it in a single sallow.

-I thought that are angels were a little less sinful- John said while eating the Doritos.

-Haven't you fought against the fallen angels?- I asked.

-I see that you have a depressive side- Constantine said while eating and smoking.

-I was depressed for around 5000 years, trapped in a fuck mirror and when I was free I was trapped again by my own people. And then trapped again by my own actions- I said while looking to the glass.

-Ouch! I believed that my bloody life was a mess- Constantine said while eating the last Doritos.

-Yes, but luckily for me I found the right people that saved me and helped me to put my life in the right direction- I said while giving some eyes sneaks to Peridot.

-And know you are a beloved super heroine that all the people love around the world, except for the world governments. Fuck them- Constantine said, starting to smoke again.

-Yeah. So, why are you here John?- I asked him.

-Well, you know, trying to not be hurt by the memories- Constantine said.

-What happened?- I asked.

-Four years ago, I met a great man named Oliver. I was in London, trying to start a new life, getting that shit of dealing with demons aside. I found Oliver and he helped me to finally have a somewhat normal life. We eventually become a couple, but then...- Constantine suddenly stopped.

-The Exterminatore...- Veronica said.

-That son of a bitch and his fucking army appeared and unleashed a Hell on Earth. I do my best to protect him. The face-less army was easy, but then that monster appeared. I do my best, but my powers were useless. I summoned all the demons, creatures, angels, everything that I had at hand, I sold my soul to the most powerful demons, but that bastard of the Exterminatore killed them. He killed all the demons and monsters that I launched at him as if they were nothing. What kind of monster can do that!? I heard that he was powerful, but I never imagined that he can even defeat demons as if they were insects. I tried to escape with Oliver, but the Exterminatore killed him in just a blink of an eye. I could never forget the smile on his sickening face when he killed Oliver. He then went for me, but the building in which I was collapsed and trapped me under the ruble. That monster surely believed that I was dead, so he leaved and continued to attack the city. Hours later I was rescued and passed a lot of month in hospitalization to recover. When I get out, something was still broken inside me- Constantine said tacking another cigarette, while his eyes were tearful.

-I am sorry Constantine. Also, your cigarrete is backwards- I said.

He looked at the cigarrete and put it in the right direction, as well that he dried his eyes.

-Why do you need me? I can't even save my loved one, now you are asking me to do an exorcise to save the world!? I can't do it!- Constantine said.

-Yes, you can- I said.

-No, I not- Constantine said annoyed.

-Well, if you don't believe in yourself, fine. But tell me, did Oliver didn't believed in you? What do you think that he will think if he hears you that you are giving up without even try it? He thought that you were a hero or a coward?- I said.

Constantine stayed quiet and saw the table during some minutes.

-Bartender, the count- he just said.

I smiled.

-All right mates. Time to kick some assess- Constantine said after paying the count to the bar tender.

We went out of the bar and went to the sky. After some minutes of flying, Veronica received a call from her friend. The Enchantress was attacking the Oxford University on Oxford. We flied to Oxford at high speed, while explaining to Constantine who was the Enchantress.

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