Chapter Four: The Game's Afoot

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~Chapter Four: The Game's Afoot~

In the end, I do not back out of my decision.

Instead, my nails bite into the palms of my hands as I step through the gate of the Underworld, passing by Cerberus. The large, three-headed dog huffs, only half awake and not caring enough to attempt to greet me, but his tail still thumps heavily against the ground a few times before his eyes close again, letting me walk by in peace. Had I been a soul attempting to leave or a trespasser trying to sneak by, his reaction would have been far different, but I have a standing invitation to Hades' domain, even if I almost never use it, and Cerberus knows it.

And Zeus hopefully doesn't, which is the most important part.

The only reason I doubt that Hades has told Zeus about any previous encounters and invitations he has given me is because it would reflect poorly on him. Hades has never been a fan of his youngest brother, and he likely would have sided with the Titans in the original war a millennium ago if he had actually thought about it before taking a side, but if he realized that at any point during or after the Titanomachy, then he was smart enough not to express that opinion. After all, while some of his other siblings and family members might be willing to change alliances at the drop of a feather for even a slightly better deal, Hades plans things out thoroughly, which is why he never really helped me before.

It's also why Veles did not want me to risk this trip.

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When I step out of Perun's office, Veles - god of magic, trickery, and nosiness - is standing in the middle of the Slavic palace's hallways. A palace which Veles neither lives in nor has residence near, which leads me to wonder why he is here at all. I intentionally chose a time he would not be present due to a previous engagement he told me about earlier this week so I could visit the Slavic king god, Perun, on an errand for Odin while on my way to visit the Greek Underworld. Yet, here he is anyway.

"You have to know this isn't a good fucking idea, Ainmire."

Over a thousand years ago, the act of me crossing my arms would have made Veles hesitate and maybe even withdraw from whatever argument was being had, but he just raises an unimpressed eyebrow at my attempted intimidation now. Well, attempted in the sense that that is how it would be perceived, as well as what it would have been back when I was his teacher and had the right to tell him what to do. Now, I am his former magic teacher with more age but less experience in life, and I have this nagging feeling that if I spend too much time with him, he is going to notice that something is off.

Not that there is anything off, of course; I'm just a bit tired.

"What isn't a good idea, Veles?" I ask, trying to keep the weariness out of my voice. So, maybe I have not been sleeping, and it has not entirely been because of the nightmares, but once this is all over, I will sleep properly.

Veles waves his hand in the air, as if gesturing to something, and he seems to struggle with his words for a moment before gritting out a single word:


I flinch. It is not an overt response since it is little more than a minute twitch, but it is enough that Veles' frown turns into a full, self-righteous scowl. "What about Hades?" I inquire, adopting a bland tone, even though my reaction likely already gave me away. Still, using a phrase Ullr seems to enjoy, the cat is not out of the satchel yet since I do not know how much or little he is aware of. For all I know, he just spat out a name and got lucky.

"You're meeting with Hades soon," Veles says, and I briefly let my eyes fall closed since there is no way he should know that. I have intentionally kept the information from everyone who might pose as an obstacle and only told Loki's shapeshifting son, Sleipner, who swore not to tell anyone - even Loki - unless I failed to appear before night had fallen.

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