Part 8

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Lux and Steela were making the final rounds on their patrol. As he had the last few days, Lux remained silent for a majority of their time together, despite Steela trying her best to talk to, or flirt with, Lux. She was beginning to grow increasingly more frustrated when he kept ignoring her.

When they were rounding the corner and their new hideout came into view, Steela made her move. She gabbed Lux's hand and pulled him into an alleyway, pressing him up against a wall.

"Steela! What the- mphumph" Lux was unable to finish his statement as Steela had pressed a finger to his lips.

"Shhhhhh," she replied seductively, biting her lip in the process. "it's time for you to decide, me or her, and I'm just going to try to give you a bit of convincing," she said smirking. Steela began to lean in and finally pressed her lips to his.

At first Lux's eyes shot open in shock, and he began to push her away, thinking of Ahsoka and what this could do to her. She is pregnant with his son for force sake. He tried to push Steela away, get her off of him, but it didn't work. The more he pushed her away, the more she pressed her lips into him. 

Slowly, Lux's protesting pushes ceased and he felt himself melting into the kiss. Steela mentally smirked as she knew she had won over the boy. With her prize won, she decided to press it a bit further. She slip her tongue into his mouth and began to run her hands through his hair, tugging at it and pulling it a bit. Lux seemed to get the idea and began to run his hands down her back towards her butt. He gave a gentle squeeze and Steela let out a slight moan. They two continued to fervorously suck face for a few more minutes before they parted, both of them smiling.

"Well if that doesn't convince you of the right choice, I don't know what will," Steela said with a smirk. Lux just smiled back at her in response. "Now come on, let's get back to the base before anyone gets worried. We can continue there." Steela winked at Lux and wrapped her hand around his. Lux, however, didn't move.

"Luxy, what's wrong?" Steela asked concerned.

"Before we continue what we started here, I have to break the news to Ahsoka. It's only fair to her."

Steela huffed. She wished she could just tell the bitch herself and see her heart break, rub it in her face that Lux had chosen her. "Fine, but make it quick."

"I will," Lux responded planting a quick kiss on Steela's lips.


Ahsoka awoke from her nap with tears streaming down her face. Was what she just saw a vision of the future? Had it already happened? Was Lux coming back now to tell her his choice? She didn't know what was happening anymore or what she should do. She decided to call Anakin, he always knew what to do. Taking out her holo device, she placed it on the bed in front of her and called Anakin.

"Hey Snips," he said without turning his head from the endless abyss of space. "What's u-" he paused when he saw the state that his padawan was in. Even over hologram it was evident that she had been crying. "Oh my force Ahsoka, what's wrong? Was it that Bonteri boy? Did he hurt you? I told you he was trouble! I'm turning this ship around right now to talk some sense into that boy and maybe introduce him to my light saber!" 

Ahsoka sniffled and wiped the tears away. "N-no I-I th-think I had a vision."

This seemed to calm Anakin down a bit, but he was still noticeably on edge. "A vision? What kind of vision?"

"Well when you left, I decided to take a nap until Lux came back so I could think more clearly, and I had a dream. In the dream I saw Lux... I saw him..." Ahsoka couldn't even finish before she burst into tears.

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