Chapter 6: Marriage

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They had been in the palace for an HOUR and everything was already hectic and disorganized like it usually was. She enjoyed the hustle as her servants ushered her to a room and started to say, "His Majesty ordered for your marriage to be today! When you landed! How exciting Princess!" Mizuki froze. Wedding. Now! She beamed and looked at her reflection. "This is exiting Kirari! Very exciting."


They helped the Princess into her wedding attire. She can't help but feel happy at the red and gold clothing. Her pendant still around her neck. She touched it lovingly. Then she was ushered to a room where Zuko was waiting. They had given him a long haired wig. She giggled. "You look so adorable with this wig." He grunted and took in her beautiful state. "The pendant. You still wear it." She nods and touched us again. "It keeps me calm when I feel anxious or scared. I remember your face and voice and it helps. When I thought I lost you I had cried while hugging it. It's been a huge comfort."

"You normally never display it like this. I'm... I'm so glad you're showing it off. Telling everyone your mine." He gave a low growl at the end. She blushed slightly and said, "We'll officially be together in a few hours perhaps minutes."

"My strong beautiful fiancé is now going to be my strong beautiful wife. I like the sound of that." She saw a light flush decorate his cheeks. "Hello lovebirds. I'm here to escort you to your wedding altar." Azula smiled at them. "Wow Azula you look great!" Azula turned her head coyly with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "I'm always looking perfect Mizuki. Don't flatter yourself." Mizuki giggled. "It's my wedding day. Remember?"

"Yes, yes but I assure you, I'm going to steal the show." Mizuki rolled her eyes. "Shall we go Zu?" Mizuki looked at her soon to be husband who nodded. Azula lead them to an altar with Fire Nation citizens. Mizuki's only Fire Nation friend beside Azula's friends was Sadao. An earth bender who was born in the Fire Nation. He was also a lava bender, but Mizuki kept his secret. She looked at Sadao with a smile who gave a thumbs up.


The ceremony commenced shortly after they said their vows and kissed. She was talking with Ozai. "So I assume I should call you father." Ozai nodded curtly. "It has been a long time Mizuki. You look well."

"I feel great. You look as strong as ever father. Can't wait to look forward to the rest of your reign."

"You'll be ruling with Zuko in fifty years."

"Whew... fifty years seems so far away." Mizuki puffed. "Maybe less. I have a plan my daughter to rule the world. Reborn from the ashes the Phoenix King."

"Wow, sounds admirable. Sounds fitting too father." She smiled politely. "Are my parents here?"

"Yes. I asked them to come from the North to the Fire Nation. Your father is more than happy." Ozai gave a chuckle. Mizuki grinned. "Father, you are well." Zuko bowed. "Your travels have wearied you my son. Nonetheless I am proud of you." Zuko's eyes flickered to Mizuki before resting back on his father. Ozai drawled in until, "And I am most proud of your greatest accomplishment. You killed the Avatar."

"What did you hear." Zuko said. Mizuki eyed him. Zuko was definitely going to have a talk with Azula. Ozai rambled for a little while longer. Mizuki says, "Can I take him for a bit?"

"Of course." The Fire Lord allowed. Mizuki took Zuko away from the celebrations and said, "I had no idea."

"It's ok Zuki." He looked like he had a weight of the world on his shoulders in that instant. "I'll have a talk with Azula." She nodded. "Not now though. Let's enjoy the celebration. I also want you to meet Sadao." Zuko relaxes his shoulders and kisses her forehead. "Ok." She lead him back inside and looked for her friend. She found him and all but dragged Zuko to Sadao. "Hello Princess, Prince. Lovely celebration." Sadao grinned cheekily. "This is my dad's apprentice. General Li, but I call him Sadao."

"It's a pleasure meeting you Sadao."

"You too your princeliness."

"He's a goofball." Mizuki added as an afterthought. Zuko rolled his eyes with a good natured chuckle. "You must work here in the Fire Nation."

"Yes I do. My dad's a nobleman and I've always admired Admiral Kazan. I ran into this one in the palace at a young age and we've been friends since then. I was able to work under her father until I got my own command. The tip of the Earth Kingdom actually. It's just a small town but a strategic point in the Earth Kingdom. It has a bay and a forest. Part of it is a sea port the other half is lumber and farming." Mizuki yawned. "You two enjoy your strategic what not. I'm going to find Azula." She walked off to find the Princess in questioning.

Azula was talking with some important leaders. She bumps into the conversation. "Hello Princess, General Movak, Admiral Yuri."

"Hello Princess Mizuki. I hear your parents are coming to join?" The doors opened to her mother in a red dress that looked a lot like Water Tribe clothes. Her father in his Admiral outfit and her younger sister in red as well. She smiled and ran towards them and hugged them. "You all came!" Ozai came down the steps to greet them. "Admiral Kazan, Lady Akua, Princess Euna, welcome home." Akua bowed with a kind smile. "Good to see you well Fire Lord."

"Admiral I'm having a war meeting a day before the Eclipse to discuss matters. I would love it if you joined me."

"I'll be there sir." Ozai went back to his seat. Zuko walked over. "I'm sorry for what happened at the North Pole Lady Akua."

"Oh it's fine Zuko. Also please just call me Akua. We're family now." He nodded.


"Zuko talk to me. We're married now. Is something wrong?"

"Uncle sent me a message from jail. To learn about my great grandfather's history." Mizuki thought of Sozin. "Let's go to the Dragon Catacombs." Zuko smirks at her.

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