Chapter 14

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Adams POV

Amanda has been trying to call me all morning. She knows she pissed me off when I was back home in Texas. I can't believe she would do that. I'm not going to answer her until later. Today is my date, no I mean, day of friends day with Kami. The first time I saw Kami her eyes captivated me. They are this beautiful green and hazel color but so much more. Her eyes seem to want to tell a story but they are hiding something . When she yelled at me that night for thinking I was trying to do something to Rebecca. It kind of broke my heart. I fear that she knows that from experience, maybe. I would never ask her and I don't think she'd ever tell me. She keeps everything bottled up and I can't help but to want to shatter the wall she has built up. But I have no right to do that. It's pretty fucked up that I can't stop thinking about her.

She looks beautiful today. Her hair falls just right effortlessly. Everything about her beauty is effortless and she doesn't have a fucking clue. Sometimes I day-dreaming about kissing her but I can't do that. I won't. I'm really risking it by hanging out with her today I just couldn't help it. Maybe if I spend more time with her my body won't react so intensely when she is around.

After we finish eating we go to walk along the river walk and it's crowded and loud it makes me want to take Kami back to my apartment to have her to myself but that's a terrible idea. Amanda is calling me again and I see kami's eyes keep going to the annoying buzzing of my phone.

"You can answer that you know." She says to me 

She may be closed off but she's also not afraid to give to me straight. I think it's kind of cute how quickly annoyed she gets.. sometimes... when she isn't yelling or slamming the car door.

I ask her to give me a minute to answer this non stop buzzing and I step away from earshot

I answer my phone with heat.

"WHAT ! What do you want Amanda!"

Kami's POV

The nonstop buzzing of his phone is beyond annoying. I know he is being polite by not answering but I tell him to answer it. I feel a slight sting of jealously wondering who the hell is calling him over and over. I do like that he didn't seem interested in answering.

He steps away to take his call and I look to the river. This place is buzzing and I love it. Music is playing, cameras are clicking, little humans are running around, it's a perfect day in the city just slightly windy. Something catches my eye and I'm transported back in time when I was a little girl. I remember watching someone paint along the river and that's when I fell in love with paint.

 Before I realize what I'm doing I shake away my childhood memory by walking toward the man in front of me today. He is sitting on a stool in front of one of the easels and he is painting. The man looks old, he has on ratty clothes, and messy hair. I stand behind him just watching each brush stroke. He turns to smile at me.

"Sit and join" he says pointing to the stool and empty canvas next to him.

Before my head can say no my body sits and I begin doing what I love most. Escaping into the world on this canvas.

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