Chapter Fourteen: Swinging to the Music

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Song-(Allan Gray~Swing Doors)

Reedsville has been so fun! Of course, Mitchell and his friends got to stay two weeks with me and help me get settled. He said if anything he can tell his boss that he ran into trouble on the way and that's why it took the crew so long to get home.

Training my Brahmin Alem to my voice has proven to be rather difficult. Tank has been very helpful with that though and it gets easier by the day. Alem likes Tom a lot for some reason. It is quite hilarious watching Alem chase Tom around town!

It's the end of the second week and I have been so happy but so sad to see it go. Mitchell and the guys are leaving today. I walk with them to the town entrance where we will be saying our goodbyes. I wish they could stay or I could go with them, but we have our journeys to take.

"I sure am going to miss you guys," I say as they turn to face me.

Their cow Wheezy moos at Alem and Alem moo back at Wheezy as if saying goodbye as well.

"How long do you plan on staying?" Mitchell asks.

"Probably one more night then take off bright and early now that I'm fully stocked and geared up, thanks to you guys."

"It wasn't a problem." Mitchell beams.

"We'll miss you too, Poppy. You have been like a little sister." Tank dramatically wraps me in a hug but the water in his eyes is sincere.

"As a parting gift, we got you a little something-something!" Tom whirls in a circle and hands me a picture frame but it's turned around.

I take it and flip it. I put a hand to my mouth as I see four cut-out pictures of all of us. I run my fingers over the glass as I look at all the goofy faces we made. Tom was taking pictures the entire week and I never knew why. Now this makes sense. I laugh as I stop over my face. It's of me being a big baby because I ate something spicy.

Tank's picture is him giving the camera a wink and pointing to it. I roll my eyes but smile. Tom's picture is of him being chased by Alem! I laugh so hard at that. Mitchell's picture, however, is him grinning down at me as Tank is helping me pick my very own Brahmin.

I hug them all. I don't want to depart from them but under the circumstances, they have a job to do and they already stayed two weeks. Being with them was like having the brothers I never had.

I watch them as they leave and disappear into the horizon. Once they're gone I go looking around town for a distraction for my broken heart.

I sit at a bench in front of a half-functioning fountain and pull out my map. Now that they're gone, I can focus on tomorrow's journey. The map is full of new towns, landmarks like ponds, rivers, lakes, mountain hills, etc., and full of so much detailing! I am ever so grateful for the compass on the bottom of the page.

I still hold on to Mrs. Harp's map because I know she meant well with hers and must have figured I had enough strength, courage, and endurance to make it. Mrs. Harp is such a sweet old lady . . . .

A hand lands on my shoulder and I jump off the bench with a scream.

"I'm so sorry, Poppy, I didn't mean to scare you!"

Anger fills every inch of me in an instant.

"What are you doing here, Romeo?"

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