Chapter Fifteen: Who Are You?

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Song-(The Ink Spots~We'll Meet Again)

I wake up to the sound of gunshots and laser shots zipping through the air. What now? Jumping out of bed still in yesterday's clothes I look out the window of my very small home and see Vivian blasting away at Mole Rats!

 What now? Jumping out of bed still in yesterday's clothes I look out the window of my very small home and see Vivian blasting away at Mole Rats!

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A whole pack of them, at least four or six that I can tell, making mounds into the ground and charging Vivian with those long, razor-sharp tusks. They are radiated, mutated rats half the size of a medium dog, have very little hair on their body, have a high tolerance to pain, and have teeth hiding behind their tusks. Unless you got a gun like Polly's who has killed two.

Polly got two and Vivian got three. I go to shut my window when I hear shouting. There was a sixth one and it went off course and found a random settler. I grab my gun and chase it down. I distract the Mole Rat and lead it away from the frightened man and Vivian kills it one shoot to the head with her sniper.

Polly, Vivian, and I gather the rats and we take them to Ally Rally's where you can find the best type of Mole Rat recipes you've ever tasted! Some recipes like Mole Rat chunks if you want to eat raw and Mole Rat stew is perfect for a cold night!

The owner of Ally Rally's is Ally's son, Joseph. Ally passed away fifteen years ago and Joseph has run it all by himself since. He's in his early twenties like I am but is highly intelligent for a kid our age. He is so knowledgeable about anything and even random dumb crap, it's unbelievable.

Joseph greets us with his shaggy, sandy-colored hair that drops to his nose, covering his brown eyes. He's about my height and weight as well. Vivian jests that he could be my long-lost twin, seeing as how we look identical with hair, eyes, height, and build. His hair is longer than mine though so I can't see it.

Joseph gladly takes the rats and immediately gets to work. In the meantime, his younger brother Shoe serves us some Nuka-Cola and Yao Guai steak.

 In the meantime, his younger brother Shoe serves us some Nuka-Cola and Yao Guai steak

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Yao Guai is a mutated black bear and very delicious to eat.

Paying for the food and drink we leave. Polly tells us she has papers to work on and will see Vivian later. Vivian and I decided to hang out together for the first time in a long time. We haven't had time to ourselves considering all current events, friends, jobs, getting my house built, things just keep us preoccupied.

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