Chapter Thirty-One: Exploration

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Song-(Billie Holiday~Easy Living)

Nico told me about Christabell and corruption in the Brotherhood. Said that Christabell was the one to kidnap kids. However, that would have meant she was a kidnapped kid too. So why? Do they brainwash you and would they try it on me? Maybe Romeo was right all along about them. That they aren't to be trusted.

After learning my ways around through the many newly built walls and corridors, I finally stumble upon a washing room where I was told Nico's Vault Suit would be as good as new. I open the heavy metal door and a waft of fresh scents fills the air. I take in a deep breath as I have never smelled anything like it. In the room, I find a bunch of washtubs and people dressed in regular Squire's clothing. Squires train to become Scribes.

I ask a lady where I can find the suit and she points over at a wall where a bunch of clothes is hanging on a wire. I spot the blue and yellow suit almost immediately. I am honestly in awe at how well the blue and yellow now shine and pop like a brand new suit. Nico is going to love this!

Grabbing the suit I neatly fold it the best I can. Now back to navigating and learning the halls. It takes me about an hour to get back. Nico is sleeping peacefully. Heck, I don't want to disturb him. I see a table where a bowl sits and find a note.

It reads: Poppy, if you see this note then I'm probably sleeping. So you can go ahead and finish my soup if you want. And thanks for looking for my Vault Suit. Much appreciated.

I grin as I set the suit down and pick up the bowl. It has gone cold but I eat it anyway. Might as well take the offer! I gently sit on the bed as I sip the soup but Nico stirs awake. He smiles when he sees me with the soup.

"Sorry, it got cold. Wish I could warm it up for you."

"It's okay. I don't mind honestly."

He looks over with still sleepy eyes and they spark open when the suit comes into view.

"Oh wow! It looks so brand new! Even newer than the day I got it!"

"Glad you're happy with it."

"I think that's one thing I will miss about this place. The ability to clean clothes."

I laugh. "I can say the food is good. What is this? Brahmin?"

Nico wiggles away uncomfortably. "Maybe..."

"If it is Brahmin, I'm okay with that."

I know he's thinking about Alem, and how much I miss him, but I can always get a new one if need be and food is food. That saying is something I have always lived by in Alemaro. Even with the comfort of food at home every day, I know there are people out there who go without. So I make it a point to never waste and what I do waste I give it to people I know who would love every bite.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. If I'm hungry, who am I to turn down food? It ain't fair to let it go to waste."

A little bit of drool seeps down his chin as he eyeballs the bowl.

"Yeah, I don't blame you for not wanting to go to waste."

"Nico, do you want the bowl or not?"

"I can't eat it anyway. I took a few sips and was full. Besides, it's too early for me to eat. The doctor said I was cutting it close with even soup." Nico's stomach growls and hollers. "I just can't eat."

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