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Copyright © Shannon Maharaj

All rights reserved. 

The right of Shannon Maharaj to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. 

All characters in this publication are fictional and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. 

"THREE!!!! (3)"

"TWO!!!! (2)"

"ONE!!!! (1)"


The entire castle was overflowing with eruptions of cheers and whistles at the welcome of a brand new year. The Odin's Riders MC were all extremely excited to celebrate this as it meant partying and more booze than they all could consume.

As well as fireworks as far as the eyes could see, but the pair who were more ecstatic that anyone else, not just for this occasion, were Benjamin and Serah Nilsson. The married couple would be expecting their first child in late January and they were so ready for their son or daughter to arrive already.

Their King, Elias and his wife, Nova were the only ones who knew the gender of their baby and were also planning a gender reveal party for them. Speaking of the devil and he shall appear, Benjamin watched as his drunk off his ass best friend, came towards him.

Observing him, he quickly noticed that his cheeks were flushed red, his eyes were slightly unfocused, he was slurring his words as he called out to him and was not able to stand straight.

Getting up from his seat, the young Herre made his way over to his King, who had stopped and struck up a conversation with a potted monstera plant. It was a hilarious sight to everyone, a newly patched in member, Seraphina handed him a bottle of water to give to his drunken friend.

"Thank you, by the way, congratulations on being patched in. I know I was the one who gave you your cut, but I never verbally got to tell you that."

Smiling, she answered him, "Not a problem, I figured you might need it and thank you, it truly is an honour."

Raising the water bottle in thanks, he turned back to his intended target and saw that instead of standing like two (2) minutes go, he was slumped over the lip of the pot. The closer he got, he realised that Elias had passed out completely.

Rolling his eyes and throwing his arms up in frustration, he quickly scanned the massive hall. His piercing blue eyes fell onto the two people he was searching for to help him pick up the sleeping man. As strong as Benjamin was, his best friend was a behemoth and pure muscle, also being three (3) inches taller than him.

Shouting over the music, voices and fireworks, he said, "IVAN! SOLEIL! COME HERE FOR A SECOND AND HELP ME!"

The two men made their way over to where he stood, took one look at their King and busted out laughing. They fell to the floor, clutching their stomachs with tears flowing out of their clenched eyes and sounded like they could not breathe. It was a sight for sure.

Lightly punching the two, he told them to help him pick up their friend and take him up to his room. Grabbing him by the shoulders and by the legs, the trio (3) hoisted his unconscious form off the tiled floor. Making their way past the massive doors, they went into the open elevator and nudged the button for his personal floor in the castle.

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