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"You two (2) fucked up, really badly," Ivan stated.

"Nova, you should not have done that. In all my years of being a member of this club, I have never seen that always happy blonde, so livid," Astrid stated from the doorway of the lounge area.

Serah was very concerned about her husband since the fight that occurred between him and Elias yesterday. He had come up into their bedroom looking very rumbled and his tone was sharp for a bit, till she calmed him down.

The strawberry blonde herself was quite irritated by the younger couple because, in not only their eyes but also the club's, they found they were being selfish. After Nova slapped him in the face yesterday, the two (2) have been actively avoiding the younger pair.

"Kitten, what do you want to eat? Jynx is cooking and he sent me to ask you."

"Um, well the babies are craving pancakes with chocolate chips and bacon. Can you also bring me some orange juice, please?"

"Not a problem, just rest up till I'm back and call me if you need anything."

"Thank you, baby."

Benjamin made his way down the stairs of his home and to the front door, the minute he opened it, he was met by the sight of Nova with her fist raised as if she was going to knock. His smile instantly dropped and his gaze hardened.

This made the brunette wince, since the day she arrived at the club's gates, he had always looked at her with a caring light. Now, he looked at her with nothing but a blank expression and she hated it.

Opening her mouth to say something, the blonde man cut her off with him slamming the door behind him. He walked passed her without a second glance and went to the elevator and pressed the button to call it.

"Bubba, please."

"Do not call me that. My name is Benjamin."

"But, I've never really called you that and you always told me to call yo-"

Turning his head to look at her, he said, "That was before I realised how selfish you and your fucking husband could be when all my PREGNANT wife and I have tried to do was be helpful. Dropping every single thing if either of you needed something, even when you did not ask and all I wanted in return was to be there for my Kitten because she needs me."

The elevator dinged and he stepped into it along with Nova. She fiddled with her hands while looking down, she did not realise how badly this had affected the couple and how selfish they really were being.

The doors opened and before she could apologise again, he walked away. Sighing, she walked to her husband's office, with a sad look on her face. Elias needed to know how the other two (2) were feeling about this and realise that they were wrong.

Back in the kitchen, Benjamin was telling Jynx what his wife wanted to eat and asked if he could make him something as well. Which in turn had the teenager chuckling and slapping him on the arm.

He stated that he did not have to ask and that he would be happy to help the parents to be with their food. Shooing the blonde out of the kitchen, he told him that he would either come up to deliver it or send one of the thralls.

"Thank you, Jynxie Poo."

"You're welcome, you weirdo. HAH!"

Rolling his eyes, Benjamin weaved his way through the busy kitchen and dining area to head back up to his wife. Serah was walking down the stairs, step by step, holding onto the railing when the front door opened and in walked her husband.

His eyes widened at the sight of what she was doing and he ran over to her. Helping her down, he carried her over to the lounge and placed her on the large sofa.

"Kitten, what have I told you about trying to come downstairs by yourself?"

Pouting, she cast her eyes down to the floor and mumbled, "Not to."

Staring at her, he tried so hard to stay mad at her because she was pushing her body's capabilities, but she looked so god damn cute. Scooping her up, he sat down and placed her into his lap, snuggling her into him.

Her hazel orbs softened as even though her husband was normally a cuddly person, she could tell that he was trying to gather some comfort from her. Turning slightly to the side, gently gripping his face, she pecked him on the lips.

"What's wrong, my love?"

Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair, "I ran into Nova when I was going down to the kitchen to tell Jynx what you wanted to eat. She tried to talk to me and apologise, but she did not even know why we are mad until I basically placed it out on a silver platter for her."

Resting her head on his chiselled chest, she replied, "Honestly, I never expected the two (2) of them to be so blind and so selfish. The whole club has been trying to tell them since the beginning what they were doing and they never listened. I care and love them a lot, but I refuse to let us be used anymore. Until they understand that they can not just expect us to drop everything to help them, anyone else as well for that matter, I refuse to speak to them."

"I agree, especially when the twins arrive, a lot of our time will be focused on them. We cannot divert attention from our children to help two (2), grown-ass adults, because they refuse to acknowledge how to act their age."

Before Serah could reply with her thoughts, the doorbell rang and Seraphina's voice came from the other side of it. She shifted off of her lover's lap and watched as he got up from his seat on the couch.

Benjamin opened the door and greeted his friend, "Hey, snakey."

"Why do you insist on calling me that?"

"I just find it funny how annoyed you get by it, anyway what's up?"

Stepping aside, she pointed at the rolling cart that had dishes covered with silver domes. There was also a jug filled with freshly squeezed orange juice and one with hot brewed coffee.

Thanking her, he helped her pull it into his home and offered for her to stay and eat with them because there was enough for all three (3) of them to eat comfortably.

Raising her hands and shaking her head, the redhead replied, "Thank you for the offer, but no, I could not intrude on your quiet time with your wife."

"Nonsense, Ben and I would love to have you. Plus, since I have been basically holed up here for the past few weeks, I have not gotten to get to know you properly. So, please join us."

Smiling shyly, she thanked them both for their hospitality and kindness. Closing the door behind her, she pushed the trolley that could also convert to a table, to where the mom to be was sitting.

Once all of them were seated, Benjamin said, "This is nice."

"It really is."

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