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"Goodnight, my kitten. I love you."

"Goodnight, my love. I love you too."

It was three (3) days after the couple's first night together in a long time and their peaceful bubble was quickly popped by the events that transpired that morning.

Benjamin was sitting on one (1) of the cushioned kitchen stools by the island, watching his gorgeous wife cook when Elias burst through the door. His face was dead serious and held a hint of grim in his emerald orbs.

This sent the blonde's Herre instincts up in the air and he was worried something happened to his best friend's wife. The situation, however, would quickly prove to be so much worst than the couple expected.

"What's wrong?! Is bub okay?"

"She's fine. It has to do with Quinn."

Immediately after those words left the younger man's lips, the couple's bodies turned rigid and could tell that it was about to not get any better. Getting up from their seats at the kitchen island and went to stand directly in front of their King.

"He was found trying to take his own life, by jumping off of his balcony."

"W-what?? I thought he was doing better with the therapy that he was going too?"

"That's what we all were lead to believe, but a lot of the sessions were just him being ridiculed and dismissed because of his size. We have the therapist in the sub-basement right now. He will be facing the most gruesome punishment known to man."

Nodding, Benjamin's mind and heart were racing a million (1,000,000) miles a second. His memories were attempting to pull him under the waves of trauma. He shook his head and cleared his thoughts as best he could.

When he came back to reality, he was met by concerned filled emerald and hazel orbs, who were searching his face for anything. He smiled and told them not to worry, that there were bigger things to deal with as of right now.

Elias eyed his best friend wearily but chose to leave it be for the time being and go check on their friend. The brunette man had a slight gut feeling on what was troubling the blonde, but he wanted to be sure about it before he said anything.

Serah gently grabbed her husband's hands with her petite ones and seemed to be lending him some of her strength. He smiled at her and gave her a light peck on the cheek.

"Come on, let's go see him. He's in the infirmary under suicide watch by Zia and Ivan. Doctor Luke is the one overseeing all of his treatment now."

"Alright, let me just grab a coat for both of us."

With that, the strawberry blonde woman let go of her husband's hand and made her way up the stairs. The moment she was out of earshot, the younger man looked down at his best friend and narrowed his eyes.

"Are you okay? Do not try to lie to me, Benjamin," he whispered.

"I'm fine for the most part, we can discuss it later. I promise."

Nodding, he stopped studying the older man with calculating eyes and just ruffled the man's long blonde locks. Seconds later, Serah returned with a navy blue coat on and a black trench coat on her arm.

"Here you go, baby."

Thanking her, he grabbed the piece of clothing that was being offered to him and put his arms through the sleeves. Grabbing the buttons, he quickly closed up the coat and announced that he was ready to go.

The three (3) made their way out of the couple's wing and straight into the elevator. They were all so quiet as they were trying to process the events that had only just transpired a few hours ago. It was hard for their minds to wrap around.

The elevator's doors dinged, breaking all of them out of their musings and they all stepped out, making their way to the front door. The trio quickly walked to the club's infirmary and watched as the doors swished open.

Immediately as they stepped in, they were met by the sight of several Odin's Riders sitting in the waiting room, looking extremely distraught. They all wore sad smiles and this pulled at the newcomers' hearts.

Before they could open their mouths to ask where their friend and doctor was, he appeared from under the front desk.

"Ah! You three (3) are finally here."

"Fang, can you tell us about his condition and how is he?"

Nodding, he motioned for them to follow him down the hallway into his office. Once the door was closed behind them, his face turned grim. He told them to grab a seat and to brace themselves.

"Quinn is currently in a medically induced coma. His ribs are fractured, he has several small lacerations all over his body from the slight fall. He has a bruised adam's apple as well, but the most worrying this is he managed to crack his skull against the balcony's ledge. He's doing well, but we cannot say for certain when he will awake."

The news had all three (3) of their eyes with tears, they all thought that the gentle giant of a man that was Quinn should have never been to subjected to all the horrors that he had been through.

Serah was the first to break the silence with a voice filled with sadness, she quietly asked their doctor and friend, if they could see him. Luke told them that they could, not that there would be much to see.

He guided the trio to the private hospital room that he was currently in and pushed open the door quietly.

"There he is."

Benjamin took one look at the unconscious man's body that was hooked up to all the machines and fell off the precipice into his past. He was so far gone to the point he did not even realise that he was wailing out in pain.

The other three (3) were shocked at the sudden behaviour but quickly tried to calm him down. However, nothing could console him and soon they watched helplessly as his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed.

"Baby?! Baby?!"

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