Part 12 - Lost memories?

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'How do we know you are not lying' that one simple sentence from Patton was enough for Janus to know that he has lost all hopes of trying to prove himself to the others. At least for now. Janus simply sighed and said
"I really don't know...."
Then he disappeared into a small shadow in the corner of the living room.

Everyone was trying to process everything what was going on at the moment, of course until someone interrupted.
"Jeez, aren't you guys just a fan of drama. It's like watching a spanish soap opera live in person."
"Remy, darling, right now is not the time.."
Remy now stood up from the couch to stand next to Virgil.
"No, but like really. You guys are going to let someone's first impressions of you guys get to you in such a way? Man i have known Janus for a long time and he, to simply put it, just has trust issues. The reason he was so scared of the lights was because when Thomas developed a sense of right and wrong at a younger age you guys basically shoved him, Virgil and Remus to the dark spaces of the mind scape. Who are really the bad ones here?"
A sparkle lit up in Emile's eyes, this is such a mentally interesting scenario they all were in right now and he wanted to also express his ideas about it. He stood up and jumped a little before speaking.
"This situation is so interesting! And to think i'm seeing something like this happen in person is amazing! But anyhow, Remy is right."
"What, how?"
"You see shoving someone away can lead to mental trauma, anxiety and depression. I believe that since it happened so early in Thomases life that Virgil and Remus just might not remember most of what happened, but i do know for a fact that Logan and Janus share some of their knowledge since to lie well you also need logic, of course to see trough a lie you need logic as well, but that's not the point. Logan has a lot of memories written down in his library. I'm pretty sure Janus also has access to that library if my theory is true. There for Janus might have stumbled upon what actually happened while reading some of the memories."
"I do remember...."
Now everyone's attention turned to Remus.
"You do?"
"Yeah... now that you mention it.. i do. Though i only remember parts. Like, me and Janus trying to create the 'dark sides' a living space so we wouldn't have to be in the empty void anymore."
"That- that sounds awful...."
Patton was morally terrified of what he could have done to them, he just doesn't remember what happened at Thomases early development stages.
"Doesn't that mean... Logan also knows?"
The question that Virgil asked made Patton even more terrified.
"Yes, that would make sense. That might also be the reason he of all people was able to understand Janus enough to start to like him. I wonder who showed affection first..... or maybe it was mutual! Like love at first sight!"
"Emile, babes, not the time."
"Oh, sorry"

Silence overtook the living room once again. Everyone processing what was happening and trying to think what to do next.
"Well, Logan locked himself in his room probably, none of us have access to his room in that state. Janus disappeared into the shadow, that means we probably wont see him until he decides to show himself again.... well isn't this amazing... Thanks V.."
"Chill lovebirds, i really don't get how y'all get along when you constantly fight."
Remy only laughed at that, sitting down on the couch again sipping on his coffee.

Roman... didn't know how to feel. He decided to take some time to himself, so he stood up, bid everyone a farewell and went to his room.
Most of the sides left in the living room had already calmed down when they noticed, Patton hasn't moved at all. Patton was just sitting on the couch, curled into a ball and staring at nothing.
"Hey, Popstar, you okay?"
Patton only now shifted a bit.
"Y-ye i'm good, just.... a lot of information i can't process currently..."
"Well then don't you think you should like fuken rest or smthing?"
"Remus, language...... and yes i think i'll go to my room.... if you guys are hungry, i trust at least one of you knows how to cook."
"Don't worry, Remy is actually a really good cook if he is hungry enough."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean babes!"
Emile just giggled a bit.
Patton left to his room. Remy, Emile, Virgil and Remus decided to also go their separate ways, but before they did, they ate some leftover pancakes from yesterday.

I think this chapter ended on a pretty good note.... i mean... could be worse.

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