Oc #3 (⚠️depression, eating disorders, and unhealthy relationships⚠️)

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My comments will be in bold
The character was submitted by AndreaVlker5

Triggers: Depression, Eating Disorder, and unhealthy relationships

Thank you for the trigger warnings!

Name: Phan Cadeo (Family name, first name. After marriage probably Cadeo Mc Tyre)

Inspiration: Its a normal Vietnamese name. 

 Talent: Ultimate Nail Artist. 


 Gender: male.

 Sexuality: Bi.

Oh, props to you! Good job with the accurate Vietnamese name.
Also, I love his talent, nice job breaking stereotypes there (I'll go back to being professional now-)

Appearance: He is small and underweight. His height is 165cm. His hair is short, light orange and he has dark skin naturally. His eyes are an icy blue. He mostly wears a pastel blue, orange, purple, and green shirt. Sometimes in the game, he wears a dark blue cap and college jacket from his boyfriend. His pants are black ripped jeans and he wears black boots.
Scars/Unique features: Fake nails, a lot of scars all over his back, breast, arms, hips, and legs, and an eyebrow cut.
Favorite body part: His eyes. He likes that they scare people away.
Least favorite part of the body: his Scars. They remind him of his last boyfriend, his dad, and his brothers. Also his shape (he has an eating disorder)                                                                                                                                                               

What do his fake nails look like? Does he cover his scars with his clothing? What kind of body shape does he have?

Personality: Cadeo comes off as cool, but really mean to people he likes. He also throws sarcastic comments all the time. If you get to know him, he is cute, clumsy, easily scared, still a tsundere, and sarcastic. He rarely talks about his dark past. He reacts pretty bad to being touched at a certain spot at his hip.
Likes: Flowers, Showers (both make him feel clean), his mom(he mostly refers to her as mommy) painting nails (he learned it from his mom), and his boyfriend (He is an angel he would say)
Dislikes: Sports, his dad and brothers, Tyler Davis, gaining weight, and people who try to flirt with Cory
Fears: Glass bottles, his dad and brothers, and not being loved.

Theme song: Dollhouse (Melanie Martinez), and There Are Worse Things I Could Do from Grease.

Fate: Survivor and Mastermind.

Execution: He is trapped inside a nail polish bottle. He throws himself against the glass. Then Monocat appears and covers him in Nail Polish remover. Just so he suddenly gets picked up bridal style by Connor (Team Danganronpa didn't think Connor would save the Mastermind. He did). So now Connor carries him across a burning field. They have a cheesy talk while running (I will write that one out) and somehow survives.

Additional Info: He has panic attacks, his brothers and dad told him he weight too much, Connor sometimes feeds him (not sexual, just puts food on a fork or spoon and put it inside Cadeos mouth), and his ship with Connor is way too sweet.

~We interrupt this oc to bring you...Connor McTyre!~

Connor (Cory) McTyre:                                                                                                                                                        Name Inspiration: Cory Montieth. (He is a bit like Finn from Glee)                                                                Age: 18 (I hope that is an okay age difference)                                                                                            Talent: Basketball player                                                                                                                                                    Gender: male                                                                                                                                                                        Sexuality: gay                                                                                                                                                                Appearance: He is 2, 05m high, and weighs too much, due to muscles. He is muscular, has tanned skin, light purple hair, orange eyes, and wears a dark blue and black basketball uniform with sneakers.                                                                                                                                                                        Personality: stubborn, not easy to offend, dump (I am sorry), simple-minded, nice, social and would beat you bloody if you hurt Cadeo or his mom.

Thanks for the information about Connor. What do you mean when you say that he weighs too much due to muscles? Also, I think age differences are great and all, as long as Cadeo turns 17 before he turns 19, which means he'd be 18 when Connor is 20...sorry I started to ramble. I don't think the age gap is a problem, just make sure the age gap never goes past two years. 

Romantic relationships: Connor Mc Tyre (They had a simple knowing of each other before the game and he mostly calls Connor Angel.)                                                                                                           Past romantic relationships: ...                                                                                                                           Friends: Emma Mayer and Bast Dubiose                                                                                                                 Family: He has 3 older brothers and an abusive dad. He fears all 3 of them and calls his dad David. His mom has a good relationship with him and is always called mommy.

Aww, that's such a sweet nickname! 

Past: His dad didn't like him from the start. He and his sons would beat him up with glass bottles (So he is scared by both.) They would also often call him thick, even though he weighs to less. As coping he would be away from everyone. He would paint his mom's nails every week because both enjoy it. He was often forced to go train basketball with his brothers even though he hates sports with his guts. There he met people whos nails looked like they have been sawed with a chainsaw. One of them had normal nails. He would barely talk to any of them. One day a guy named Connor outed himself. Cadeo soon crushed on the older good looking male. He would act mean to Connor because his brothers would make fun of him beeing bi. One day a teammate (Tyler) would grab his hip in the shower (a certain spot he hates beeing touched at) just to be violently pushed away. Connor said sorry and said to Cadeo that he thinks its great to be in a class together. Same day Cadeo got a letter from Hopes Peak as ultimate nail Artist. After a year (memory loss) his brothers and dad forced him into hosting a killing game.

Why does he not like being touched at that spot on his hip? What kind of eating disorder did he have? How long did it effect him? Who was Tyler to him? This backstory is great, just needs more detail.

Additional info: He likes flowers and showering as personal interest

I'm resisting the urge to hug him right now and the only thing stopping me is the fact that I don't know if he likes hugs and also I can't hug a fictional character.

Overall, great oc. Just needs a little bit of tuning up, and I'm sure he'll be great! 

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