03. I Know So

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Watching the first-year students get sorted was always one of Eurydice's favorite parts of the welcome feast at Hogwarts. Something about seeing these students -- some of them experiencing magic for the first time in their lives -- with so much life and excitement in their eyes reminded her of when she had once been hopeful for a life of magic such as this. It had been a long time since she had truly felt the magic of Hogwarts thrum through her veins and she envied those who got to live with it for the first time in their lives. She loved magic, that much was true, but growing up it simply didn't feel as tied to her as it once had.

She heard Ron Weasley clapping beside her as another first year was sorted into Gryffindor, all of them cheering as they welcomed a new student to their ranks. All she wanted to do was feel welcoming as she knew how terrifying this could be for some first-year students. As she turned to the students next to her, she noticed Ron and Hermione were sitting, but Harry was nowhere to be found.

"Oi, Weasley," Eurydice whispered as she nudged the redhead next to her to get his attention. When he raised an eyebrow at her -- mainly because she rarely spoke to Ron even though she did think he was rather sweet -- she asked, "Where's Harry? He didn't come off the train with you?"

Ron shook his head, "He disappeared about an hour before we got to Hogwarts, haven' seen him since."

"Curious," Eurydice mumbled more to herself than she did to Ron, whose attention was back on the first year taking a seat next to Hermione. The dark-haired girl looked around, waiting to see if there was a chance Harry was anywhere else at the table, but the messy black hair and stark green eyes were absolutely nowhere to be found.

There was a tap on her shoulder that got her attention as she turned around, realizing Heloise had leaned over the gap between their tables to say something to Eurydice, "What are you looking for? Everything okay? Something bugging you?"

"Harry isn't here," Eurydice answered as she continued to glance between Heloise and the doors to the great hall. First-year she had been absolutely ecstatic that the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables were next to each other. If she couldn't be in the same house as Heloise, at least they could share their meals together. However, the separate houses never stopped them from whispering each other's respective common room passwords to each other whenever they changed. They had even swapped ties once to sneak around, but as they got older and more familiar with the students of Hogwarts, that stopped working as well as it did when they were kids.

"Maybe he was tired and turned in early?" Heloise offered with a shrug as her eyes met Eurydice's and then darted towards the door before landing back on the girl, "It's cute you're worried about him, but I'm gonna be honest, Dice, he's probably totally fine."

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