06. Come Here

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It was a solemn thing to feel like a spectator in one's own life. If Eurydice's life was a film, she doubts she would be the main character. Eurydice had been thinking these solitary thoughts far more often than she should and she had a feeling Heloise could sense that something was wrong, especially following their conversation at the top of the astronomy tower a few nights ago. Still, personality crisis aside, the two girls could always count on Hogsmeade to keep their minds off of things. Nothing like the smooth taste of butterbeer and as much candy from Honeydukes as they could carry to ease a bad mood.

Still, Eurydice felt off. Heloise knew this without having to ask.

"Oi, we should get back to school, I'm freezing my arse off," the girl spoke after a while, hugging her coat tighter against her form, yellow scarf wrapped around her neck. "Plus, take no offense to this I'm begging you, you seem out of it today."

Eurydice offered a small smile with little warmth behind it as she shook her head, "I don't know, I've just been in my head a lot lately. I wish I knew how to get out of it. I suppose this mood will pass, though, that's all I can hope for."

"That's the attitude! Kind of," Heloise drawled as she slung her arm around her best friend's shoulders as they troughed through the heavy snow. It was odd to think how much time had already passed in their sixth year, but then again, snow in Scotland was not restricted to only the winter months -- it was practically year-round. Eurydice found peace in the snowy cold if she was being honest. Everything seemed muffled, the world seemed to be put on pause. It was nice to think about it. Peace and quiet.

The two girls walked, catching up with Harry and his friends who were along the same path as them. Eurydice sidled up next to Hermione with Heloise on her other side as they chatted aimlessly.

"You know, Slughorn invited me to be in that odd club of his," Eurydice was saying, "Did he invite you as well? I made one good potion and all of a sudden this man thinks I'm a fantastic student, he doesn't know me at all."

Hermione laughed at this, "He's invited me as well as Harry. It seems weird to single out students, I think, there's enough competition between students and houses already, adding an elite club to the mix seems like a horrible idea."

"I'm just surprised I'm actually getting high marks in potions," Harry scoffed, "Maybe it's because I don't have Snape and the giant stick up his arse grading my potions anymore."

"That poor stick," Ron shook his head and fits of giggles erupted from the group, but it's interrupted by a sharp scream through the air.

Eurydice freezes and the group stops as the girls who had been walking in front of them -- Katie Bell and Leanne -- were no longer peacefully walking through the snow. Katie Bell was now suspended six feet above them, her mouth open in a frozen cry for help. Out of instinct, Eurydice reached for her wand, but not a single spell came to mind.

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