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MY EYES TRIED TO FLUTTER open against the bright light invading my room through the gaps in my wooden blinds, a long groan vibrated up my throat when I rolled over feeling someone next to me replacing the groan with a half-strangled scream. I sat up pulling the duvet close to my chest as Ryan turned his head to look at me with a grin placed on his face without a thought I placed my feet on the side of his body I pushed him onto the floor, his hands grabbing out to catch himself when he grabbed onto the duvet, a hallow noise bounced inside his chest when his back hit the floor. I grabbed my shirt quickly and pulled it on over my head, glad for once I fell asleep in my bra.

I grabbed one of the pillows to whip it at his face when he sat up, really not in the mood for him and his antics first thing when I wake up.

These were the many reasons to why I would dislike Ryan, "how did you get in my house?" I asked with annoyance as I got off the bed to go to the en-suite bathroom, trying my hardest to not slap that smug look from off his face when I walked past it, the palm of my hand pushing against his forehead making him fall back. I closed the door behind me debating on having a shower or not.

"Your mum let me in, shouldn't you be at school anyway?" he called through the door, I decided to skip having a shower considering I had one last night and basically because I couldn't be bothered instead I settled on just brushing my teeth.

I'm surprised to even hear that my mother was here in the morning since she wasn't home by the time I went to bed last night unless it was a quick in-and-out job. I spat the toothpaste out into the sink, washing the tooth brush off to go for the second brushing when I seen the bathroom door open in the mirror and Ryan leaning up against the door frame. I let out a small grunt in response to his intrusion, beginning to wonder if he has ever heard of personal boundaries.

"I have the day off, but I can go in to do the research or whatever at school or I can do it at home. Either way, I'll have to go to school to do the project with, DeCeno. Also, have you ever heard of knocking, I could have been naked." Sounding annoyed when I finished up brushing my teeth spitting the foam out as I swilled it down the sink before looking back at him.

"I didn't hear the shower switch on, so I assumed." He shrugged to himself before clearing his throat to get my attention while I was too busy looking at my skin for pores that only I can see and no one else can along with every other flaw that I could stand here and point out.

I let out a sigh and walked out the bathroom to pull on a pair of jeans, "how was your date with, Catherine?" I questioned and tied my hair into a half-arsed bun.

"It went superb, might be having one this weekend too." He grinned, handing me my glasses, a thank you falling from my mouth when I looked at the time on my phone.

"Will I be seeing you later?" I enquired as I pushed my phone into my pocket. I saw him give a small shrug followed by an uninterested 'mhm'.

"I'm working in half an hour, I won't get off until around nine. I can come around then if you want." He propositioned me while we made our way down the stairs. I regretted sleeping in kind of grateful Ryan came around and scared me half to death else I would be late meeting up with Amanda.

"Come 'round tonight. Now, I have to go else I'll be late," I said walking out the door to my car his feet following behind, throwing a quick wave goodbye into the air when he passed me and carried on walking towards his car.

"See you tonight then. Have fun, learning or creating. Or whatever it is that you're doing." He smiled and got into his car.

I waved him goodbye as he drove away before I climbed into my own car to turn over the engine, I turned up the radio as I pulled out of the driveway and head towards school. The car ride was somewhat peaceful with music playing in the background before I pulled into the school's entrance, a single yawn escaping from my mouth. I parked up my car not really wanting today to happen, sending a quick text message to Amanda to inform her that I'm here before getting out the car to wait for her.

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