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OVER THE LAST FEW DAYS that I spent at Ryan's, the free time I could grab in between work shifts and school I spent hanging with Leah, becoming my gay agony aunt, because god knows I need one. And with Ryan wanting me to dig down deep and give him the details, Leah became my saviour and took me far away from him and his dirty mind.

When it came to school morning I had to drag my carcass from the bed, Ryan checking in on me every five minutes to make sure I've made some sort of progress. At least this time when he checked in on me I was halfway through pulling my jeans up when he came bearing gifts, a coffee in hand. Such a good host, wonder if I could get breakfast squeezed out of him.

When I was dressed I decided to leave my hair down for once since, I only have a few hours at school before work. Just wishing I could have my car back, have my freedom back. With a small sigh, I shook my head over how ridiculous this whole situation is as I sipped on the coffee, trying to gather my emotions and the will power to finish today. All I want to know is, how much longer is she going to drag this out. I already know her thoughts and her opinions.

I took a glance at my watch for the time wishing I had a phone to text Amanda to ask if we could skip the day as a joke, well half a joke. I pulled on a jacket, drinking the rest of my coffee as I walked down the stairs to be greeted by Ryan when he grabbed his car keys. I quickly dropped my mug into the sink and followed after him towards his car with my rucksack slung over my shoulder.

Let's get today over and done with.

The journey to the school was quicker than I would have liked it to be but it was nice enough of him to give me a lift on his day off, I couldn't ask for anything more since I didn't have to walk in the icy cold weather. When he pulled up I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and threw out a quick goodbye before shutting the car door behind me. The icy chill of the wind licked over any skin that was exposed making me shrug up my shoulders to keep it from my neck, hurrying up my pace to get inside the warmth.

I pushed through the heavy metal doors, the temperature change instantly hitting me to which I welcomed it like a warm embrace. I made my way towards the lockers when I spotted Amanda sat at one of the tables doing her homework, she would always arrive early to finish any work she hadn't managed to do while she looked like she was in a world of her own with her earphones in. I straddled over the bench to sit next to her, my lips pressing against her temple when she pulled the music from her ears to look at me.

"Hey," she smiled before kissing me on the lips, her hand resting on my chest.

When she pulled away she took in my hair, her fingers playing with it as she wrapped it around her fingers and gave out a contented hum, while my eyes looked at her tired eyes, looking like she hasn't had a decent sleep in days. I looked down at the paper she was filling in to see it was homework that was issued out last week.

"Is everything okay at home?" my voice filled with concern when she stopped playing with my hair and looked at me.

"Same as always," her smile not reaching her eyes, knowing that something was going on.

Something kept catching her gaze when I looked over my shoulder to see Chrissy and her posse glaring our way, rolling my eyes when I looked back at Amanda, my lips pressing to her lips one last time, her hand grabbed hold of my shirt when I pulled away to pull me back for one more kiss before carrying on with the work.

"You look exhausted," I whispered, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear that didn't stay when she pulled it to the side.

"I've been putting in a lot of overtime, it's okay though, nothing I'm not used to." A small smile on her lips when I got the hint that by overtime she was taking all available shifts.

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