Love bites❤

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[Smut warning~!]
Slut shaming (I think)

Top George

Bottom Dream

This will be my first time riding smut so please go easy on me with the judgment TwT💚💙

The night was quiet, And very tense. A group of hunters surround by hungry, fuming vampires. However on this particular night the leader's of both group's had a little somthing else in mind.


"Just give up you shitty monsters!" One of the hunters yelled "shut it tommy" Dream snapped with a cold stare to shut the younger up, "Look!" Wilbur, a long time friend of Dream pointed to an unfortunate soul as a vampire ripped into his neck, signifying the war between man and monster was starting.

"Shit!" There was panic "OK EVERYONE LISTEN UP! TONIGHT WE FIGHT FOR OUR HOME AND KILL THESE MONSTERS ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Dream the leader of the hunters yelled, getting everyone ready for a battle they would never forget. Everyone ran in picking there opponent, however, Dream had somthing else in mind "George! Come here you little shit!" Dream had to play it cool and act like he wanted to kill George just as much as George "wanted" to kill him "over here you sack of meat!" George hissed in response jumping on top of dream making it seem like the two were fighting one another.

"Mmm, you still smell like vanilla" Dream hushed out taking a smell at George's sweet scent, "Your going to get us caught you dummy!" George giggled throwing a fake punch at Dream and hissing in anger as he received a hit back. George jumped off of Dream and winked bolting into a ally way knowing Dream would fallow "YOU CANT RUN FROM ME!" Dream yelled calling out angrily at the Prince as he chased him off in that same Direction.


They both had been running for about 20 minutes finally backing into an alley way.

Dream walked over to George putting his hand on the others cheek, George leaned into the man's soft embrace, "Your so warm" George chirped softly walking closer to dream hugging him and taking in the mans sweet scent, he had to try his best not to bite his forbitten lover.

"I can tell your hungry" Dream caressed the boys head tenderly.

"Hmm, so what if I am?" George hummed back smiling into Dreams shoulder.

"You can eat if you want" Dream leaned his head away from George exposing his neck more for the hungry boy.

"But what if I take to much or-or I hurt you!" George panicked, he had to cover his noise because dreams blood was some of the sweetest he's ever smelt.

Dream grabbed George a pulled him closer gently pushing George's head into his soft neck "it's ok, trust me. I know your really hungry, plus you've been good so I think you deserve a little treat~" That was all George needed to hear before losing control and harshly sinking his fangs into Dream neck drawing that sweet blood the boy craved so much.

Dream hissed in pain at first but for whatever reason it turned into pleasure, causing Dream to let out a small moan. George heard the sweet noise and unlached his teeth to speak "Your such a slut~" hearing the words leak out of George's mouth like that caused Dream's Dick to twitch in his restricting clothing making him want more.

"G-George.." Dream whined thrusting into George's thigh wanting more friction on his needy area, George pulled away causing Dream to whine at the loss of pleasure.

"God, look at you...your such a fucking slut for my cock arnt you?" George was looking at Dreams forming bulge, gaining his own little problem that he would deal with later.

"George please!" Dream moaned out trying to get the older to help him with his ever-growing erection. George sighed with fondness and lust, walking over to his human lover giving him a sweet needed kiss that got heated very quickly, George wanted more so he bit down on Dreams bottom lip causing the younger to gasp giving George enough time to slip his toung in making Dream moan into the kiss.

George had his body up against Dream's so he got an idea. George started to rub there clothed cocks together making both boys moan, braking from the sweet kiss gasping for air.

"Fuck..." Dream moaned, still rubbing his dick up against George's.

Dream and George were both getting close to climax but George had other things in mind so he very reluctantly pulled away making Dream groan in frustration. Breathing heavily, Dream looked into George's lust filled eyes knowing that he wanted this just as much as himself did.

"I'm going to prep you ok? But first lets make up a safe word" George waited calmly for a response "How about Blue?" Dream said, softly smiling.

George put his fingers up to Dream's mouth and let out a single command, "Suck" He demanded, to which Dream complied sucking on the vampires soft digits making sure to coat them well with saliva. Once that was done George grabbed the hem of Dream's pants and pulled them down along with his boxers allowing Dream's length to hit his stomach.

"Wow.." George wisperd making Dream blush "I knew you were big but damn I wasn't expecting this~" George cooed.

George put his finger at Dream's entrance looking up at the blond man for confirmation to keep going. Dream nodded with a sickeningly sweet smile, which George retaliated. George slowly pushed his finger in making Dream hiss in pain, he waited a little before getting a nod from the younger to start moving and boy when he did the man above him became a moaning mess.

After a little bit George added another finger and started scissoring Dream making the boy moan and beg for George to fuck him. Although he would've loved to keep hearing Dream scream his name he needed some sweet release.

George aligned himself with Dreams prepped entrance looking at his boyfriend one last time to ask "Are you ready?" He asked softly placing a kiss on his forehead "J-Just fuck me already you tease!" The boy moaned out causing George to giggle before he slowly pushed himself into Dream.

Both party's moaned as George slowly pushed himself deeper into Dream before pulling all the way out and slamming back into Dream hitting his prostate "FUCK GEORGE~!" Dream moaned out as George kept hitting his g-spot going faster every few thrusts.

"F-Fuck me harder George!" Dream kept moaning words like Fuck, George, harder and so good.

"You love my cock dont you!" George yelled out still thrusting into Dream's prostate with no mercy "Y-yes! God yes~!" George and Dream were getting close to climax so to finish, George bit deep into Dream's neck pushing him as hard into the wall as possible, cumming deep inside Dream making the other boy cum as well from the warm liquid being pumped deep inside him.

Once they both caught there breaths George pulled out causing them both to moan as cum dripped out from Dream's hole.

"Holy hell, you really show no mercy huh?" Dream giggled pulling George to rest in his lap "No shit, I cant resist your sweet scent, it makes me go crazy.."

George yawned obviously tired. "You sleepy?" Dream asked in a fond tone "M' sorry I'm just tired, after all I did just fuck you senselessly and have a meal" Both of the boys went quiet but quickly burst it out into laughter.

Needless to to say both of them were happy and would always love the thrill of forbitten love.❤

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