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Um hey. I prolly won't update much. Sorry, school.
Little: Reader
Caregiver: Tae, Jin, Joon

I whined a little as I walked up the e empty drive way. I really just wanted to be little but my daddies aren't home. I had a tough day at school. My bag lands on the floor as I run to the kitchen for food.
Hmm... Jin's leftover kimchi stew sounds so good right now. But he did say the last of it was for Joonie... Snooze ya lose. I grab the container and heat up the soup, opting to eat on the couch since no one was home. I turned on some show and dug into the warm food. Once I finished and washed my dishes I sighed. I wish Tae was here to play with me. I whine and sit on the couch, staring intently at the door.
The lock clicked and I jumped up to hug whoever it was. I was gently pushed away as Tae walked straight to his room and locked the door. I sunk to the ground, sniffling and fighting tears. I rub my eyes harshly, crying as I didn't gat any love or attention from my daddy. Joon was next to come home, hoisting me up in his arms and rocking me.
"Breathe baby. Tell appa what's wrong. Why is my baby so sad hm?"
"Dada no gib me wuvs appa!" I hide my face in his neck, still crying.
"Oh baby, Dada had a bad day. He just needs a bit, then you'll get lots of loves. " He gently pet my head, still rocking me in his arms.
"Hey babe, baby. Aw my little pumpkin is messy! Come here love, let's get you cleaned up. " Jin tickled me a bit before grabbing me and taking me to the kitchen. He helped me clean up before sending me to Appa. I ran straight to Tae's door, listening carefully. I knocked, not answering when he asked who was there. He opened the door and I crawled in under his legs.
Dada got mad, but didn't yell. He just huffed and plopped back on his bed. I climbed up with him, snuggling all close.
"Dada sad. Me helps please?" I grinned when he pulled me close. He hugged me tightly and just began to rant about his day.
"I sowwy Dada. Tomowow will be bettew. I know it!" I gave him lots of kisses.
Joon came in holding my favorite paci and Tae's favorite drink. We both got up and went to the living room. There was a huge fort. We all climbed in and snuggled up, only for me to get attacked with kisses.
"Tae we love you." Appa gave Dada a sweet kiss. Then Daddy gave Dada a kiss too! Hehe Dada was vewy happy. We all snuggled close and just sat there, enjoying each other. They asked me questions about colors and such. It was so fun!

Sorry. Idk why but I just haven't had much inspiration to write. Sorry guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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