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I am in a super mood today! So you get updates!

Little: Namjoon

Hoseok POV:

I sigh tiredly as I go over the choreography again with every. "Alright guys! That was the best one yet! Okay we can call it a day, lets head home. I smile at everyone's sudden burst of energy, knowing that today was pretty hard for us all. I help Namjoon pack up our bag, tossing him our water bottles from across the room.

I watch as Jimin's favorite kitty bottle drops to the ground and shatters, a shocked and sad Namjoon staring down at it. Jimin looks over, a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Hey Namjoon Hyung, it's alright! Just get me a new one? That one will be even better cause it's from you!" He smiled kindly and continues talking to Kook. I quickly begin to clean up the thin plastic.

We head to the car, heaving our bags into the trunk. Jin takes shotgun, Jimin, Kook, and Tae take back, Me and Yoongi claim middle with both of us stretched out, and Namjoon hops in the driver's seat. He checks to make sure we are all buckled up, then begins the drive home. We blast BLACKPINK and all sing along, just having fun. Everyone laughs at Jins awkward dancing, and claps at Yoongi's cover of Lisa's part.

Namjoon POV

I sigh happily as my body hits my soft bed. I curl up, grabbing the nearest thing and hugging it. Of course it was a Ryan plush, but it was actually my first. Hoseok had gotten it for me years ago, for my birthday. I snuggle up and drift to sleep, not giving a care as to what was going on it the noisy living room.

I whine as I start to wake up, someone gently shaking my shoulder. "Hey babe? I wanna ask you something." I turn and look at the figure, pouting at him and sitting up slowly. Suddenly a bag is almost thrown into my lap. I laugh then begin to go through it... It was all baby stuff, but it looks like it is made for bigger people...

"Hoeseok what is this stuff... We can't ado-" I was cut off by Hoseok's phone shoved in front of me.

"I wanna try this... I think that it could help us both kinda take it easy." He shifted a little, obviously anxious. I sigh and nod, handing him his phone back.

"Okay sure. What do I do?" As soon as the words left my mouth Hoseok squealed. He pulled a super soft Ryan onesie from the bag, then began to undress me.

"Wh-what?" I blushed and looked away, excited for the onesie but confused by Hobi's actions.

"Hush little prince. Let's get you into some comfy clothes, then we can watch a movie. That sound good?" His voice was soft and relaxed, instantly calming me. I warm fuzzy feeling began to fill me up, my thoughts becoming a jumbled mess.

"M-Movie? Movie!" My voice had rose a little in pitch, and I eagerly clung to Hobi. He chuckled, putting a small headband with bear ears on me. Hobi carefully picked me up and sat me in my bed. He fiddled with the TV then began searching for a good movie.

"Dat on!" I yelled as the screen showed The Princess and The Frog. I squealed and clapped, snuggling up to Hobi and focusing on the movie. He held up a small package with an assortment of pacifiers. I looked at them in awe and shrugged, unsure of which one I wanted.

Hobi looked at them and pointed at the froggy one, which I eagerly nodded at. "Yesh pees!" I slurred and opened my mouth wide for my new paci. He chuckled and held me close letting me enjoy the movie.

"Prince, wanna go get some food?" I nodded excitedly, using my words less and less. I blushed as we walked to the kitchen hand in hand. I whined and tried to hide my face, embarrassed of my bandmates seeing me. Hobi chuckled and led me over to everyone, laughing when I suddenly am attack with tickles from Tae.

"NU t-Tae 'top it!" I giggled and tried to break free. I pouted at him and tried to run over to Hobi, when suddenly the muscle bunny picked me up.

"AAAAAA Nu kookie! Why?" He chuckled and hugged me tightly, which made me calm down and curl up in his lap. I hid my face from everyone, still really embarrassed. I chew on my sleeve, almost falling asleep in Kookie's arms. I whine and begin patting around, searching for my paci.

Suddenly Jungkook has it and is holding it right in front of my mouth. I squeal and take it, snuggling up and trying to fall asleep.

I hear Hobi coming from the kitchen, sitting up and holding my arms out for him. "Up pees?" Which he happily did. I rested my head on his shoulder as we headed back to our room, giggling and trying to hide as Hobi tells me I was such a good boy.

After I finish my food and snuggle up with Hobi and Ryan, yawning tiredly. Hobi manages to catch my paci before it tumbles off the bed. He kisses my head and lets me sleep.

When I wake up, I remember how I had acted. I felt really scared and worried that it was weird or Hoseok would break up with me. "Hey baby! How's the special prince?" His voice was cheerful and soft, making me smile.

"That... That was really nice Hobi. Thanks.." I blushed, fiddling with the cute paws of my onesie. He chuckled and gave me a sweet kiss.

"You're welcome baby. Now, you wanna be a big boy or a little boy today? We got the day off." He smiled at me, genuinely happy that his idea helped me.

"Pince!" I giggled and threw my arms up. I grabbed Ryan and hugged him tight, then got up and began to run out to the living room. "Monin!" I giggled as I was caught from behind by Hoseok.

"You sneaky little prince, running away from me!" He laughed and hugged me, then let me run and play with everyone else.

"Dada!" I called for him, whining when I don't see him. Tae stands up and leads me to the kitchen, smiling when I squeal loudly.

"Hai jinnie hai dada! I wa juse!" I waved then looked at daddy, who simply blush and got me a sippy with some banana milk in it. I hear Jungkook groan.

"Hyung that's mine! Your buying it this month then." I giggled and ran over to Kookie, sharing my milk with him and watching a show with him on his phone.

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