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Shiratorizowa VS Aoba Johsai

Semi: Better root for me okay?

You: I will.

He kissed me before he ran off to catch up with the guys. I was in the stands and watched them play. They changed Shirabu and Semi more often this game which I liked. I loved seeing him play. You could the passion radiate off of all of them.

You could feel tension between Ushiwaka and Aoba's setter. The guys picked up on it too which really riled up Aoba Johsai. I was smirking from the stands. I had no doubt that the guys were going to win this game.

And I was correct.

We won the first 2 sets and won the game. I walked downstairs and saw Coach talking with all the boys. I waited for them in the doorway. Once they were done they looked at me. I gave them a smile but they looked upset. They all looked angry.

I kept quiet and just walked away. I drove to the school so I just went back to my car. I sat in my car for a bit and just thought about what could've made them upset but I couldn't think of anything.

I concluded that coach must've said something that hit a nerve. Probably an insult, or he pointed out a major flaw.

I drove back to the school and waited by the gates to help the guys out. When I arrived, the bus was there but no team. I looked inside the gym but I only saw Coach...

You: Where are the guys?

Coach: They are running back to the school. Anything I can help you with?

You: Oh no I'm fine. I wanted to know if I could help the guys out.

Coach: They'll get it. You've been coming here often. Do you know the guys?

You: Well their my friends but I'm Semi's girlfriend.

Coach: Girlfriend huh...

Coach gave me look but he brushed it off and kept that same dull face. I said my goodbyes and sat under the tree where we all ate our lunch. I was waiting for the guys to get back but I didn't want to be in their way. At least they can see me here but I won't be in the way of anything.

After a couple of minutes, I saw Ushiwaka come around the corner. Shortly after the rest of the team followed. They all looked at me on the hill before coach yelled at them to get in the gym. You could see their skin crawl hearing his yelling. I got up and waited outside the gym. That's when I saw Semi get slapped.

Coach: Getting distracted by your girlfriend huh.

Semi: Coach-

Coach: You're sitting out next game unless Shirabu passes out. I want you in here practicing more than being with her.

Semi: Yes coach..

My heart dropped. I hated seeing Semi get slapped and get disciplined but he needs to focus on his life more than me. Coach saw me in the background. I nodded and walked away.

I walked home alone. I got through the front door and saw my dad, drunk and passed out on the couch. I quietly went upstairs to my room and locked the door behind me.

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