13/Fashion Week

661 22 12

Skip A Month - Early November

I walked over to Shirabu's dorm room. Goshiki said Shirabu and Taichi were arguing in the dorm room and he needed help. I kept rereading the text and I sighed.

Ever since the third years left, I've had to be the responsible one. The one who fixes all the problems. The one who has to protect Goshiki from the other two idiots.

I opened the door and I saw them all playing a game. They were playing COD. They all looked at me with a smile before looking back at the game.

You: I thought they were fighting?

Taichi: You won't come over unless we have an excuse.

You: Cause I've been studying for my classes while also trying to take care of you guys.

Goshiki: But you don't hang out as much anymore.

Shirabu: You can't stay in your room all day.

I glared at them and went to walk out. Taichi got up and pulled me away from the door. Shirabu forced me to sit on the couch while Taichi guarded the door with Goshiki.

I sighed with a small smile on my face. These three were really going to force me to play games with them.

You: Fine, we can hang out.

They gave me smiles and they sat down next to me. I watched them play games for a bit. After a while, I got a phone call from Reon. I went into Shirabu's room to get some privacy.

You: Hey Reon. What's up?

Reon: Hey uh, what should we get Semi for his birthday?

You: Semi is super into music so maybe a record or a CD of one of his favorite bands.

Reon: That helped out a lot, thank you.

You: You're welcome. I'm always here to help.

Reon: Oh are you and the guys on campus?

You: Yeah why?

Reon: We were going to stop by and see how you guys were doing during practice.

You: We don't have practice today. We're just hanging out.

Reon: Which dorm?

You: Shirabu's. West wing.

Reon: Okay. See you in a bit.

You: Okie dokie.

I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. I turned around and saw Shirabu standing there. He startled me a little bit and he apologized.

Shirabu: Sorry if I scared you. I just needed to grab my phone charger.

You: It's your room. I should've asked before coming in here.

Shirabu didn't say anything after that. He grabbed his charger while I walked out of his room. I sat down next to Goshiki and played with his hair. The guys let me play with their hair because it feels nice for them.

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